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The Highs and Lows of managing a larger research team. Researchers in Fundraising 2012 Helen Carpenter.

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Presentation on theme: "The Highs and Lows of managing a larger research team. Researchers in Fundraising 2012 Helen Carpenter."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Highs and Lows of managing a larger research team. Researchers in Fundraising 2012 Helen Carpenter

2 How I got here – individually How we got here – as a team Are we really so big? The context of Information and Knowledge Management at the NSPCC The highs The lows – or let’s call them the challenges and what we’ve learnt and do to turn them into highs 28/10/2012RIF Conference 2012

3 Becoming a prospect researcher….. 28/10/2012RIF Conference 2012

4 Information + Prospect research = Information and Knowledge Management 28/10/2012RIF Conference 2012

5 28/10/2012RIF Conference 2012

6 One Manager Two Senior Researchers Four Researchers CURRENTLY: TWO Prospect Researchers to 80 Major Gift or Corporate Fundraisers AIM: THREE Prospect researchers to 80 Major Gift or Corporate Fundraisers 28/10/2012RIF Conference 2012

7 The Highs Team of passionate prospect researchers Share the workload and bounce off ideas Dual role of team brings opportunity Lots of fundraisers to meet and learn from Variety Opportunity to progress within specialism 28/10/2012RIF Conference 2012

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9 The Challenges 28/10/2012RIF Conference 2012

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11 Being more single minded in quest to get to 50:50 Being bold - telling fundraisers what they need! Saying NO to a reactive piece of information to enable us to say yes to doing a proactive piece of research. Saying NO to new areas of work to take on – I have said yes before and need to stop that! 28/10/2012RIF Conference 2012

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13 Being aware of ratios, hours, resources and timings to be able to communicate clearly Prioritising – “we just can’t do everything” – where do we add most value We are a specialist resource - being clear that we aren’t an extra admin resource 28/10/2012RIF Conference 2012

14 Layers of Management…………… 28/10/2012RIF Conference 2012

15 Define Projects Joint ownership of our objectives – In particular meeting our aim to get to 50:50! Helping everyone to feel like a specialist – not a jack of all trades 28/10/2012RIF Conference 2012

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17 On that note…………… Please contact Helen Carpenter on 020 7825 2961 Or anyone else in the team! 28/10/2012RIF Conference 2012

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