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U.S. Education and Outreach Activities … a selection of initiative updates Fermilab Visitor Initiative EPO in the Pierre Auger Observatory, Mendoza Province,

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Education and Outreach Activities … a selection of initiative updates Fermilab Visitor Initiative EPO in the Pierre Auger Observatory, Mendoza Province,"— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Education and Outreach Activities … a selection of initiative updates Fermilab Visitor Initiative EPO in the Pierre Auger Observatory, Mendoza Province, Argentina The Cosmic Ray Observatory Project (CROP) in Nebraska, and its affiliates CMS Ph.D. Thesis Awards Program Gregory R. Snow University of Nebraska EPOG Meeting 23 April 2004

2 Feynman Computing Center Wilson Hall DØ CDF Fermilab Visitor Initiative Labwide initiative to enhance visitor experiences at Fermilab Coordinated by Office of Public Affairs External architecture and design firms enlisted to facilitate common look to several satellite Tour Areas Multi-million $$ master plan presented to Directorate in July 2003 Prototype Tour Areas constructed/assembled for August 2003 Lepton-Photon Conference at the lab Lederman Education Center + new Visitor Center Also NuMI/MINOS and MiniBoone

3 DZERO Tour Area Opening for Lepton-Photon Conference Huge screen on shielding wall for projected images Run I and II detector displays, posters Live event displays from control room

4 Fermilab Visitor Initiative Plans presented to Fermilab staff in open forum in April 2004

5 Fermilab Visitor Initiative


7 Funding being sought from external sources

8 The Pierre Auger Observatory Southern Hemisphere: Malargüe Province of Mendoza Argentina Being constructed now Northern Hemisphere: Utah or Colorado, USA Construction starts in 2006 1600 detectors, 3000 km 2 each site

9 Status of Argentina site 150 out of 1600 surface detectors installed 2 out of 4 fluorescence telescope buildings complete Southern Hemisphere site complete 2005 Extremely impressive air showers have been observed with partial array Northern Hemisphere site Construction to start in 2006 Likely site in Millard County, Utah Setting in Argentina 6000 people in remote small town Malargüe Auger collaboration presence quite noticeable Positive impact desired at many levels Education/outreach activities organized in a distinct subtask led by G. Snow Example: tanks carry names provided by local school students The Pierre Auger Observatory

10 Visitor Center at Auger Office Building Visitor Center 10  12 m 2 Data Acquisition

11 Seats 60 people Quarter-size FD mirror set-up from Karlsruhe Visitor Center at Auger Office Building Glass cabinet for library and displays PC and multimedia projection

12 Visitor Center at Auger Office Building SD phototube display CNEA telescope Portable “beeping” Geiger counters Notebook of PAO news articles

13 Visitor Statistics: 2002, 2003 2002 2342 total 2003 5278 total 200 400 800 400 January December 1350 Visitors January 2004

14 Argentine vs. Foreign Visitors Argentina Foreign

15 Visitor Center Web Site Home page News postings Monthly news and events E-mail bulletin

16 Auger Observatory Becoming Part of Local Culture Student writing project

17 Forum with Teachers and Students March 2004 120 participants 8 Auger collaborators Discussion of future programs requested by teachers and students Many good ideas: future course topics, coordination with School Board, science fair, …

18 Auger 5 th Anniversary in Malargüe March 17, 2004, marks 5 years since the groundbreaking ceremony in 1999 Commemorative poster produced to present to city officials, tourist office, …

19 Eureka Science Park in Mendoza Parque de la Ciencia y la Tecnología Two years of planning and logistics led to the public inauguration of an Auger Observatory exhibit on November 22, 2003 Outside: 2 Mexican SD tanks outdoors with explanatory signs Inside: Italian FD prototype from Los Leones, posters, brochures, PC with interactive activities, small displays

20 Eureka Science Museum in Mendoza Mexican prototype surface detector tanks Outfitted by UTN, Mendoza, group

21 Eureka Science Museum Former Los Leones prototype mirrors donated to Eureka by Torino group/INFN Children are fascinated by it!

22 Eureka Science Museum Electronics displays PCs, brochures, posters Beeping Geiger counter display

23 Eureka Science Museum History of cosmic ray physics in Argentina and Auger details

24 Auger Exhibit Inauguration Governor elect of Mendoza Province, Ing. Julio Cobos Press coverage

25 Auger Exhibit Inaugural Speeches Sra. Lilia Dubini, Eureka museum director Dr. Alan Watson, Auger spokesperson Dr. Johannes Blümer, Auger spokesperson Prof. Thomas Lohse, Humbolt University, HESS experiment Ing. Jorge Calzoni, Vice President CNEA Dr. Roberto Semenzato, Italian Embassy Sra. Maria Landa de Gonzales, Mexican Embassy in Mendoza Sra. Kathleen Barmon, U.S. Embassy Dr. Rolf Schumacher, German Ambassador to Argentina Dr. Celso Jacque, Mayor of Malargüe, National Senator elect Dr. Raúl Rodríguez, Mayor elect of Malargüe Ing. Arturo Somoza, Vice Rector of National University of Cuyo Ing. Julio Cobos, Governor elect of Mendoza Province

26 Press coverage, press releases Mendoza Eureka exhibit opening

27 Press coverage, press releases Continuing effort to secure $500K funding for planetarium interior. City of Malargüe committed to provide exterior building.

28 Rumbos Magazine (Los Andes) Press coverage, press releases

29 December 2003 Press coverage, press releases Professors, students part of effort to learn about cosmic rays The mention of Argentina conjures any number of exotic or dramatic images... Eva Peron... dancing the tango... gauchos riding the plains... falling high-energy cosmic rays ….. Louisiana State, Jim Matthews January 2004

30 CROP Pierre Auger northern hemisphere site in Utah/Colorado SCRODSALTA CHICOS WALTA ALTA High School Based Cosmic Ray Research Major Efforts in North America and Europe North American sites Nebraska’s CROP Cosmic Ray Observatory Project $1.34 Million U.S. NSF funding (Education and HEP divisions) 24 high school teams have installed detectors, GPS, data-acquisition electronics, PC for data collection

31 CROP schools enlisted in 2000 2001 2002 2003 250 miles 450 miles The Cosmic Ray Observatory Project A grid of cosmic ray research stations expanding across the state Coleridge McPherson Mullen Loup Spalding

32 5 Volt DC power To PC serial port Four analog PMT inputs Discriminator threshold adjust GPS receiver input Event counter Programmable logic device Time-to-digital converters CROP data acquisition electronics card Developed by Univ. Nebraska, Fermilab (Quarknet), Univ. Washington 43 Mhz (24 nsec) clock interpolates between 1 pps GPS ticks for trigger time TDC’s give relative times of 4 inputs with 75 psec resolution

33 CROP data acquisition electronics card Papers in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 51, No. 3, June 2004

34 GRID computing being applied to data analysis needs Web site explains data analysis framework See:

35 Web site explains data analysis framework See:

36 Web site explains data analysis framework See:

37 Schools can upload raw data files to server.

38 Some simple analysis tools in place. Example: search for time coincidences among chosen schools’ data files.

39 CMS Ph.D. Thesis Awards Program Fashioned after Fermilab’s lab-wide Thesis Award program sponsored by Universities Research Association. CMS annual Thesis Award Program initiated in 1999. Recognition of outstanding academic contributions to CMS experiment by graduate students. Rotating six-member committee judged nominated theses on basis of Physics impact in CMS and HEP field in general Originality Clarity of writing Award recipient receives an engraved plaque and expenses paid to an international conference to present the thesis results.

40 CMS Ph.D. Thesis Award Recipients 2000: Dr. Pascal Vanlaer Université Libre de Bruxelles Title: Contribution to the study of the central tracking system of the CMS detector, at the future proton collider LHC 2001: Dr. Ivica Puljak Université Paris VI and Technical University of Split Title: CMS discovery potential for the Higgs boson in the H  ZZ*  4e ± decay channel. Contribution to the construction of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter. 2002: Dr. Giacomo Bruno Università degli Studi di Pavia Title: The RPC Detectors and the Muon System for the CMS Experiment at the LHC. 2003: Dr. Riccardo Ranieri Università degli Studi di Firenze Title: Trigger Selection of WH   b b with CMS With Lorenzo Foà, CMS Collaboration Board Chair

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