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Presentation on theme: "SENIOR SCHOOL SRC STUDENT OPINION SURVEY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA 2014 - 2015 Collation of information provided by the year."— Presentation transcript:

1 SENIOR SCHOOL SRC STUDENT OPINION SURVEY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA 2014 - 2015 Collation of information provided by the year 10, 11 and 12 classes of Streaky Bay Area School

2 In 2014 with the help of the University of S.A. we collected data about what students in our school require to improve their learning Six areas for improvement were identified  Teacher explain things well  Teachers tell me ways to remember  Teacher extend us during class  Teachers implement ICT to help us learn  Teacher encourage us to summarise information and note take  The class environment encourages me to achieve excellent results

3 After discussion with the student body the following 3 areas for improvement were decided upon 1. Teachers to explain things well 2. Teachers to provide students with strategies on how to remember information – e.g. how to revise for tests and exams 3. Teachers to implement ICT to help us learn

4 Teachers explain things well Introducing a task (go through task step by step) Capture the lesson on smart board or film or record for students absent Always explain clearly what is required and expected at the beginning of the task Classroom walls are very useful Exemplars are extremely helpful Rotate constantly in the classroom to help support students

5 Teachers explain things well Stick with the current learning. Don’t swap around and introduce other things Always give students set criteria before starting a task Task sheet needs to be given at the beginning of a task. They need to be clear and no confusing language Behaviour management needs to happen to allow explicit teaching Try to condense new information to keep students attention

6 Teachers explain things well Simplify language whenever possible We really need weekly interaction/ check in with teacher on progress well before due date Glossary of words provided at the start of the task Simplify SACE performance standards so we can understand them Check for understanding – ensure this is done

7 Teaching us ways to remember How to prepare for tests and exams Note taking skills Teach us different ways to remember information Teachers highlight what needs to be remembered Wall displays

8 Use of ICT Film lessons for us to access if we are away Put recorded lessons on server Record Local Delivery and Open Access lessons Provide Year 11 and 12 senior school students with laptops Use films and YouTubes to help when teaching Use smart boards for maths equations and record

9 Feedback from staff to students re improving outcomes Be punctual and organized for lessons Do homework regularly Listen attentively and follow instructions in class Use what is given to you, wall displays, task sheets, exemplars and performance standards constantly Proof read your own work and get others to proof read Involve yourself in learning – ask useful questions, respond to questions in class, involve yourself in class discussions

10 Students own suggestions on how to improve their own learning Ask questions Seek help when needed Spend homework and study times effectively Improve on organisational skills Be motivated Follow the non negotiables (behaviour in the classroom) Use a homework timetable …/2

11 Students own suggestions on how to improve their own learning continued … Get to school on time Stay in class, not get asked to leave Watch introductions of filmed lessons if absent Work on time management Concentrate in class Stay on task Improve work ethic in class

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