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CHS School of P.R.I.D.E PBIS Mantra: Teach, Model, Cue, Reinforce

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Presentation on theme: "CHS School of P.R.I.D.E PBIS Mantra: Teach, Model, Cue, Reinforce"— Presentation transcript:

1 CHS School of P.R.I.D.E PBIS Mantra: Teach, Model, Cue, Reinforce
September Kick-Off Lessons: Professionalism, Responsibility, Inclusivity, Dignity, & Engagement

2 Script: “This year we are really focusing on making Cascade High School into a fun, positive, “SCHOOL OF PRIDE”. We will have activities throughout the year that teach us what the expected behaviors are for classrooms, hallways, at lunch, and in other common areas. We will spend some time today, throughout all your classes, learning about the expected behaviors. You will probbaly see these posted throughout the school and in teachers classroom to remind us of a common language around our behaviors at school.”

3 Monday, September 14th: Bell Schedule for School of P.R.I.D.E Day
1st Period = 7:30-8:14 = “Right Way” Video 2nd Period = 8:19-9:03 = “Be Bruin” Video & Student Leadership Video 3rd Period = 9:08-9:52 = Lunch Expectations 4th Period = 9:57-11:16 = Hallway Expectations 5th Period = 11:21-12:05 = Classroom Expectations 6th Period = 12:10-1:54 = Common Areas Expectations PM Assembly = 1:04-2:05 = “Be a Catalyst”- Scott Backovich

4 Last 15 minutes of 1st Period… The “Right Way”
(Click Here for Link)

5 After Watching the Video…
What were some of the behaviors you saw in the video that teachers did that really resonated with you? In other words, why were some of their actions funny? Share a story you’ve had where you either saw or participated in some of the “wrong” behaviors. Why might behaviors like this be problematic for a school setting?

6 Last 15 minutes of 2nd Period… Be Bruin
(Click here for Link)

7 After Watching the Video…
What questions are there regarding the “Be Bruin” way? Have a student capture this list and give to Mr. Aguilar. Create a list of incentives that you would like to see us use this year for the Be Bruin winners? Have a student capture this list and give to Mr. Aguilar.

8 Video Series: “Bruin Broadcast”
Student Leadership Video Series: “Bruin Broadcast”

9 Last 15 minutes of 3rd Period… Cafeteria/Lunch

10 Brainstorm and Discuss:
Cafeteria/Lunch Overview: “Lets talk about how we show our P.R.I.D.E in the cafeteria during lunches. “ Brainstorm and Discuss: Responses: -What do you like best about lunch time? -What do you like least about lunch time? -What do you think lunch time is like for people who work or supervise lunch - (lunch workers, custodians, supervisors)?

11 TEACH: Review expectations for the cafeteria on the PRIDE matrix
TEACH: Review expectations for the cafeteria on the PRIDE matrix. For each targeted behavior, brainstorm what it looks like and why it is important. 1. What does it look like to be PROEFSSIONAL at lunch? Why is this important? -use appropriate language -say “please” and “thank you” to the cafeteria workers -keep conversation to acceptable volume levels -listen to staff and student announcements 2. What does it look like to be RESPONSIBLE at lunch? Why is this important? -keep within designated boundaries -off campus lunch represent Cascade positively -know your ID to purchase lunch 3. What does it look like to be INCLUSIVE at lunch? Why is this important? -invite others to join you -keep physical outdoor activities safe 4. What does it look like to be DIGNIFIED in at lunch? Why is this important? -clean up around your area before leaving -use appropriate physical contact -keep campus clean 5. What does it look like to be engaged in at lunch? Why is this important? -stay in a straight line -wait your turn politely and patiently in lunch lines -participate in lunch time activities

12 What does it look or sound like?
Lunch in a School of P.R.I.D.E Lunch in a Non-School or P.R.I.D.E (capture responses) (capture responses)

13 Last 15 minutes of 4th Period… Hallways

14 When it comes to hallways, how many of you have ever felt like this??


16 Or know of someone like this??

17 Or feel like you are listening to this??

18 Ever try to swim upstream in a hallway?

19 Or know someone who does this when security comes walking by??

20 Lets take a look at our hallway expectations for our School of P. R. I
Lets take a look at our hallway expectations for our School of P.R.I.D.E Instructional Strategy: Have students read bullet points out loud. Strategy Tip: “Uncalled Responses” – tell students you will not call on the next reader but that all bullet points need to be read outloud and that once one is done any one else can jump in to read the next one.

21 Hallways Learning Outcome: I understand the hallway expected behaviors for our school of P.R.I.D.E. Activity: “Twitter Talk” Imagine the hallways around the school could talk to each other. In groups of 3 or 4 choose one of the 11 hallway expected behaviors from the P.R.I.D.E Matrix. Write a “twitter talk/dialogue/conversation” between some of the hallways in the school that focuses on your groups chosen expected behavior. Include at least one hashtag in each tweet.

22 Example Expected Behavior = Responsibility: “Keep poster decoration displays on wall”
Hallway Dude, what is up with your building 3 hallway? Hallway Teachers are going crazy with these sweet linear equation graphs. LOL. Just realized you can’t see Why U trippin? Yeah well maybe some students will run through and rip them right Nah, these students have


24 Last 15 minutes of 5th Period… Classroom

25 Classroom Expectations Game
On a sheet of paper, list as many factors as you can that are helpful classroom conditions that allow you to best learn. Take a few minutes to silently list as many as you can. For example: “I learn best when I’m able to move around the room periodically.” After a few minutes, share your list with an elbow partner and add any NEW items you’d like to your list as a result. (Hint: For the next activity you want as a many items listed as possible)

26 Classroom Expectations “Bingo”
Instructions: (Teachers pass out BINGO Sheets now) Match items from your list with similar ones on the Bingo table. When you find a match, record your phrasing in the box. Yell Bingo when you get 4 in a row. Continue until all the items from your list have a similar match. Use the blank square to include an idea that didn’t have a match. WINNING TEAM: The one that fills the most squares.

27 Use appropriate behavior and language.
Create high expectations for yourself. Clean-up after yourself and your work area. Monitor your grades. Turn in work on-time. EXTRA: Arrive on time. Follow classroom PED expectations. “Off, Off & Away” Be prepared with materials. Ask for help and help each other. Participate Actively. Dress in school appropriate attire. Follow Academic Integrity guidelines. Follow directions. Show tolerance for others’ beliefs and values. Remain in class the first and last 10 minutes of class. (10 & 10)

28 As a class… Which boxes did you find were left empty or were ones you did not have on your own created list? As we look at the next slide on the P.R.I.D.E expectations for classrooms ask yourself, “Which of these will be easiest for me this year? Which of these will be more difficult for me? Share out responses.

29 Class Discussion (As time allows) Exit Ticket: “Which of these classroom expectations will be easiest for you this year? Which will be more difficult?

30 Last 15 minutes of 6th Period… Common Areas
When you think about showing Bruin Pride, what comes to mind?

31 Common Areas Expectations
Divide the class into Four Groups. Give each group one of these assigned Common Area locations: Grassy Courtyard during non class time In stands cheering at sporting event At a guest speaker assembly At a dance On a piece of paper, list what is looks like/sounds like to show pride at that event or that common area on campus. You may also add non-examples of what the WRONG WAY to show pride at these events would be. Use illustrations and words/phrases – make it a collage! Share out with the class for feedback.

32 School of P.R.I.D.E: Next Up… …The Challenge
{P.R.I.D.E Challenge Video}

33 Scott Backovich: “Be a Catalyst”
We will be heading down to the gymnasium shortly for a special assembly by Mr. Scott Backovich called “Be a Catalyst”. While listening to his message, think about how you can be a positive influence on our School of P.R.I.D.E.

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