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Name __________________________________________ #_______ Day 3 Bremen Town Musicians Phonics -es -ies.

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Presentation on theme: "Name __________________________________________ #_______ Day 3 Bremen Town Musicians Phonics -es -ies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name __________________________________________ #_______ Day 3 Bremen Town Musicians Phonics
-es -ies

2 Day 3

3 How can we work together?
THE BIG QUESTION.... How can we work together? Concept Talk Video Sing with Me Big Book Audio


5 Today we will learn: * Vocabulary: Amazing New Words
* Phonics/Spelling: Plurals * Fluency: Read with Expression * Words: Story Words and High-Frequency Words * Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast * Conventions: Plurals that Change Spelling * Writing: Fairy Tale >> Draft

Who was struggling to be a friend?

1. How does Bat feel when Rat goes to see him?

2. Why is Rat struggling to help Bat?

9 Oral Vocabulary: Amazing Words

10 Oral Vocabulary: Amazing Words
strug – gle Rat struggles to help Bat. That means, that Rat does all he can do to help.

11 Oral Vocabulary: Amazing Words
If you struggle, you work hard to do something difficult.

12 Oral Vocabulary: Amazing Words
The swimmer struggled hard against the big waves.

13 Oral Vocabulary: Amazing Words
It is a struggle for me to save money from my allowance.

14 Oral Vocabulary: Amazing Words
Show: struggling to carry a heavy box.

15 Concept Map We know that working together is a good idea! Let’s add to our Concept Map...

16 Concept Map In the drama, The Bremen Town Musicians, what problem do the animals share?

17 Concept Map Why did the animals need to combine their strengths to scare the robbers?

18 Concept Map How do the animals’ struggles change when they work together? Let’s add It makes a struggle easier to the map.

19 Why is a good idea to work together?
Working together can make us feel better. We reach a goal more easily. We combine our strengths. We solve problems. Friends can make us feel less miserable. It makes a struggle easier.

20 We are going to sort words with plurals: -s, -es, or -ies.
Phonics: Sort Words We are going to sort words with plurals: -s, -es, or -ies. -s -es -ies

21 Phonics: Sort Words You will see a singular noun.
Write the plural noun in the chart. -s -es -ies

22 bench -s -es -ies benches

23 bunny -s -es -ies benches bunnies

24 order -s -es -ies orders benches bunnies

25 tune -s -es -ies orders benches bunnies tunes

26 puppy -s -es -ies orders benches bunnies tunes puppies

27 lunch -s -es -ies orders benches bunnies tunes lunches puppies

28 patch -s -es -ies orders benches bunnies tunes lunches puppies patches

29 shirt -s -es -ies orders benches bunnies tunes lunches puppies shirts

30 story -s -es -ies orders benches bunnies tunes lunches puppies shirts
patches stories

31 Fluent Word Reading copies The sounds are /cop/ /ies/ I can say the sounds in my head and read these words:

32 Word Analysis Decodable Practice Reader 2.1

33 Spelling Listen to the sentence. Echo the teacher.
Write the sentence, one word at a time. Proofread and correct On Your Own: Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook page 142.

34 Reader’s and Writer’s NB, page 142
1. Some people didn’t eat their lunches. 2. We got scared when she turned off the lamp switches. Check your work..... 3. Which stories did the people like? Reader’s and Writer’s NB, page 142

35 Spelling Words: lunch lunches story stories tune tunes switch switches baby babies note notes *people *scared Challenge: crumbs centuries classes supplies libraries houses

36 Small Group Time Practice Stations: Read for Meaning Let’s Write!

37 Model Fluency Read with Expression
Follow along with me, page 290. Question marks and exclamation marks let us know how to express characters’ words.

38 Model Fluency Read with Expression
We can read a character’s words with the expression we think the characters may have used.

39 ROUTINE: Choral Reading
Reread for Fluency ROUTINE: Choral Reading Reread pages of our story. Read it more than once! Do you notice your fluency improving?

40 High-Frequency Words • bought • people • pleasant • probably • scared • shall • sign

41 Story Words • excitement • mill • monsters • musician • robbers

42 robbers sign excitement people pleasant bought
1. The police officer scared the ______ away. 2. Most of the _____ who live in town work at the mill. 3. We _____ costumes and dressed up as monsters.

43 4. If the weather is _____, we’ll probably have a picnic.
robbers sign excitement people pleasant bought 4. If the weather is _____, we’ll probably have a picnic. 5. A great musician creates a lot of _____ . 6. We shall put up a ____ that our house is for sale. Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook, page 143


45 Main-Selection * Compare (by telling how things are alike) and Contrast (by telling how things are different).

46 Main-Selection * Review Genre.... * Set a Purpose * Extend Thinking drama

47 Retelling Envision It! Page 302
Retelling: include characters, setting, and events from beginning, middle, end of story Story Sort

48 Think Critically Text-to-Text Author’s Purpose Cause and Effect
Story Structure Writing on Demand Meet the Author and Illustrator

49 Look Back and Write! Look back at the play. How do you know who is speaking? Using the elements of dialogue, write a scene about a fifth Bremen Town Musician.

50 Nouns that Change Spelling
Which nouns change spelling when making it plural?

51 Conventions Nouns that Change Spelling
How would the sentence change if you used the plural form of each noun? The men, women, and children petted the oxen.

52 Conventions Nouns that Change Spelling
Which nouns that change spelling when making it plural, would fit in here? Conventions Nouns that Change Spelling Grammar Jammer

53 Let’s Write It! Page ‘Key Features of Fairy Tales’

54 Writing - Fairy Tale Writer’s Craft: Beginning, Middle, End
Mini-Lesson: Writing the Parts of a Story

55 Writing - Fairy Tale Writer’s Craft: Beginning, Middle, End
Now, it’s time to write your Fairy Tale Story! Tell how your characters work together.

56 Writing - Fairy Tale Writer’s Craft: Beginning, Middle, End
Have a beginning, middle, end Paint a clear picture of what is happening

57 Quick Write for Fluency
Talk Write Share tell how your characters worked together in your fairy tale point our the plural nouns in your sentences

58 Wrap up your day Cause and Effect: Why does thinking about how a character feels help you to understand more about a story?

59 Wrap up your day Story Structure: Why is it important to see a pattern of events while reading?

60 Tomorrow..... Tomorrow we will read a selection about animals helping animals.

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