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Section A (1a—2c). problems I’m very cold. I have too much homework. My clothes are out of style. I have a day-off. suggestions Why not buy some new clothes?

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Presentation on theme: "Section A (1a—2c). problems I’m very cold. I have too much homework. My clothes are out of style. I have a day-off. suggestions Why not buy some new clothes?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Section A (1a—2c)

2 problems I’m very cold. I have too much homework. My clothes are out of style. I have a day-off. suggestions Why not buy some new clothes? How about doing it quickly? What about going out to play? Why don’t you close the door?

3 Problem : My mother’s birthday is coming. What should I get for her?

4 Gifts Giving ( 讲解 ) How/What about a/an…? Why don’t you get her a/an…? What should I get my mom for her birthday ?

5 What do you think of the gifts?

6 Car (too expensive) Bike (interesting) Why don’t you get her…? How about …?

7 ( 听力练习 ) Suggestions Comments That’s too personal That’s not special enough That’s not creative enough Good idea That sounds good She’ll like that.


9 Car (too expensive) Bike (interesting)

10 Schoolbag (not personal enough) Wallet (useful)

11 Skates (good idea) Shoes (not special enough)

12 Flowers (too boring) Photo album (she will like it)

13 Camera (too expensive) Dictionary (useful)

14 CD (not personal enough) Toy dog (cute)

15 ___ That’s too expensive. ___ They’re too cheap. ___ That’s too boring, too. ___ That’s too boring. Listen and number the comments in the order you hear them. 1 4 3 2

16 Gifts Giving-Summary ( 复习 ) Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Teacher Sister Friend √ √ √ 2a Listening

17 Listening Listen again and write the suggestions and comments in the chart below. Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 suggestion 1a CD comment 1not special enough suggestion 2 comment 2 flowers good idea a scarf too personal a calendar sounds good a soccer ball not creative enough a photo album She’ll like that

18 Gifts Giving ( 讲解 ) That’s too expensive. That’s not interesting enough. That’s too personal.( 个性化的 ) That’s not special enough. That’s not creative enough. That’s too cheap. That sounds good! That’s too boring. That’s a good idea ! Key sentences: What should I get…? How about …? What about…? Why don’t you …? comments ( 评论 )


20 Task 1:Translation( 翻译 ) 1. 我该为我父亲买什么生日礼物呢? What should I get my father for his birthday? 2. 你为什么不买一块手表呢? Why don’t you buy a watch? 3. 那太贵了。 That’s too expensive. 4. 一些书怎么样? What/How about some books?

21 Group 1-2 List( 列举 ) some suggestions about keeping healthy. Group 3-4 List some suggestions about learning English well. 小组讨论,看哪一组列举的建议又 多又好,就获胜。必须用本课重点 句型。 go ( 比赛 ) Task 2

22 Make a survey Mother’s Day is coming, What will you do on Mother’s Day? Task3

23 What will you do on Mother’s Day? a kiss get good grades do housework A scarf do some cooking a pair of shoes

24 Example A: What will you do on Mother’s day? B: I will do housework. A: It’s too boring. Why don’t you get her a watch? B: Yes. That’s very useful.

25 Make a survey in class and fill in the chart. Results for the survey: In our group, Tom will get his mother a watch. Because he thinks it’s very useful…___________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Name What will you do on Mother’s Day? Reasons Tom He will get her a watch. useful

26 As a student, the best gift you give your parents is studying hard every day! As a child, the best gift you give your parents is love!

27 Love is the best gift! Love is priceless!

28 1.Finish the survey result. 2.Please say “ I love you” to your parents and your teachers. 3.Please remember the birthdays of your family, and when these special days come, please say “Happy Birthday” to them. Homework for the whole life ( 终生作业) :

29 Why not have a rest?

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