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BalticGrid-II Project BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, 13-15.05.2008, Vilnius1 Joint Research Activity Enhanced Application Services on Sustainable e-Infrastructure.

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Presentation on theme: "BalticGrid-II Project BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, 13-15.05.2008, Vilnius1 Joint Research Activity Enhanced Application Services on Sustainable e-Infrastructure."— Presentation transcript:

1 BalticGrid-II Project BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, 13-15.05.2008, Vilnius1 Joint Research Activity Enhanced Application Services on Sustainable e-Infrastructure Bartek Palak Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center

2 BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, 13-15.05.2008, Vilnius2 Objectives Empower the e-Infrastructure with enhanced services following NA3 and SA3 activities requirements and recommendations Foster the new communities defined in NA3 and supported by SA3 Providing user-level support for Grid advanced data management Adaptation of mechanisms used for definition and management of task flow Providing visualization tools for grid computing Development of a user-friendly environment used for cooperation of user groups and applications Supporting the education process organised by NA2

3 BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, 13-15.05.2008, Vilnius3 JRA vs. other activities

4 BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, 13-15.05.2008, Vilnius4 Partners Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center  Activity leader  Person-months: 21 PM Vilnius University  Person-months: 4.5 PM Vilnius Gediminas Technical University  Person-months: 6 PM

5 BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, 13-15.05.2008, Vilnius5 Responsibilities Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center Coordination of the activity Extension of Migrating Desktop Platform  User-level support for Grid advanced data management  Adaptation of mechanisms used for definition and management of task flow  Extension of existing framework following NA3 and SA3 activities requirements and recommendations

6 BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, 13-15.05.2008, Vilnius6 Responsibilities Vilnius University Development of Gridcom – web-based innovative groupware for grid technology:  joint repositories for applications, files, data, services  group sharing of files, desktop, data, news, projects  joint formation and interlinks of forums, mailings, audio/video capabilities  group editing capabilities of files and data  group interface for visualization  control of the computing process by mobile devices

7 BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, 13-15.05.2008, Vilnius7 Responsibilities Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Visualisation of specific computing results  Development of special interfaces for transmission and interpretation of results, especially in a real time  Analysys and development of special visualization algorithms for visualization of complex geometrical shapes  Integration of tools within Gridcom and Migrating Desktop

8 BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, 13-15.05.2008, Vilnius8 Responsibilities Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Conventional visualization tools need adaptation to GRID:  Remote visualization within GRID (data on SE, WN)  Most of the existing solutions are strongly dependent on: – Middleware (like GLOBUS) – Specific needs and environment (pilot application and employed hardware) Delivered tools will provide:  Basic visualization functionality for all BalticGrid users,  Advanced features and performance for pilot applications (some universality will be sacrificed). Current pilot application areas:  Engineering applications (CFD),  Material sciences (particle systems).

9 BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, 13-15.05.2008, Vilnius9 Cross-activity collaboration SA1 – Grid Operations  Adding new services to the e-Science Grid Infrastructure provided by the SA1 activity to fullfill enhanced user requirements. NA3 – Application Identification and Collaboration SA3 – Application Integration and Support  The developed services will foster the new research communities well defined in NA3 and supported by SA3 NA2 – Education, Training, Dissemination and Outreach  Close collaboration with NA2 for supporting the education process organised via BalticGrid-II tutorials, summer schools and local workshops.

10 BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, 13-15.05.2008, Vilnius10 Milestones MJRA1.1 Design phase closed (PM04)  All requirements have been collected, proposition of enhanced services MJRA1.2 First prototype ready (PM09)  The release version includes services for user-level support for Grid data management, visualization tools and Gridcom MJRA1.3 Second prototype ready (PM18)  Prototype includes workflow extensions, developed visualization tools and Gridcom enhancements MJRA1.3 Final version of services (PM24)  Documentation available and working services with documented test phases, users and installation guides

11 BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, 13-15.05.2008, Vilnius11 Deliverables DJRA1.1 - Performance analysis of sequential and parallel visualization in GRID environment (PM03) DJRA1.2 - Design phase, interoperability and definition of cooperation with other activities: SA1, NA3, SA3 and plan for education trainings in co-operation with NA2 (PM04) DJRA1.3 - First prototype - system integration (PM09)  Includes Migrating Desktop Framework extensions, user-level access to Grid data structures - services for user-level support for Grid data management released, existing visualization tools and Gridcom DJRA1.4 - Second prototype (PM18)  Includes mechanisms used for definition of task flow, developed visualization tools and Gridcom enhancements DJRA1.5 - Final report (PM23)

12 BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, 13-15.05.2008, Vilnius12 JRA Internal Meeting All people invloved in JRA activity works are invited to participate to: JRA Internal Meeting 14:00 – 15:30

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