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TIHE Basic Computer Skills

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1 TIHE Basic Computer Skills
Lecture 1-2: Computer History

2 History of Computers Instructing an electronic device (Computer) to perform some task of yours, you need to have some understanding of these two things : - the history - the components and how they coordinate with each other.

3 History of Computers Many discoveries and inventions have directly and indirectly contributed to the development of the personal computer (PC) The first computer of any kind were simple calculators. Even these evolved from mechanical devices to electronic digital devices.

4 Timeline Timeline of some significant events in computer history.

5 1617 1617John Napier creates “Napia’s Bones” wooden or ivory rods used for calculating. John Napier (1550–April 4, 1617) was a Scottish mathematician and astrologer. He is most remembered as the inventor of natural logarithms, of Napier's bones or Napier's rods and for popularizing the decimal point. He was born in Merchiston Tower, Edinburgh. Although he did not invent the natural logarithm function, it is sometimes known as the Napierian Logarithm.

6 1642 1642 Blaise Pascal introduces the Pascaline digital adding machine. Blaise Pascal (June 19, 1623 – August 19, 1662) was a French mathematician, physicist, and religious philosopher. Important contributions by Pascal to the natural and applied sciences include the construction of mechanical calculators, the study of fluids, and clarification of concepts such as pressure and vacuum. Pascal also did groundwork in projective geometry and in probability theory, which has major ramifications in economics and the social sciences. Most of these contributions were made early in his life, as following a mystical experience in 1654, he fell away from mathematics and physics and devoted himself to reflection and writing about philosophy and theology. This period was characterized by the composition of his two most famous works, the Lettres provinciales and the Pensées. Pascal suffered from ill-health throughout his life and died two months after his 39th birthday.

7 1822 Charles Babbage conceives the Difference Engine and later the Analytical Engine, a electronic computers Charles Babbage (December 26, 1791 – October 18, 1871) was an English mathematician, analytical philosopher and (proto-) computer scientist who originated the idea of a programmable computer. Parts of his uncompleted mechanisms are on display in the London Science Museum. In 1991, working from Babbage's original plans, a difference engine was completed, and functioned perfectly. It was built to tolerances achievable in the 19th century, indicating that Babbage's machine would have worked. Born December 26, 1791 in Teignmouth, Devonshire UK, Died 1871, London; Known to some as the "Father of Computing" for his contributions to the basic design of the computer through his Analytical machine. His previous Difference Engine was a special purpose device intended for the production of tables.

8 1906 Le De Forest patents the vacuum tube triode, used as an electronic switch in the first electronic computers Lee De Forest, (August 26, June 30, 1961), was an American inventor with over 300 patents to his name. De Forest invented the Audion, a vacuum tube that takes relatively weak electrical signals and amplifies them. De Forest is one of the fathers of the "electronic age," as the Audion helped to usher in the widespread use of electronics. He was involved in several patent lawsuits (and he spent a fortune from his inventions on legal bills). He had four marriages, several failed companies, was defrauded by business partners, and was once indicted for mail fraud and later acquitted.

9 1945 John von Neumann writes “First Draft of a report on the EDVAC(Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)” in which he outlines the architecture of the modern stored-program computer. John von Neumann (Neumann János) (December 28, 1903 – February 8, 1957) was a Hungarian-American-German-Jewish mathematician who made important contributions in quantum physics, functional analysis, set theory, computer science, economics and many other mathematical fields. The EDVAC is the successor of the ENIAC. Made by the same designers: Mauchly and Eckert.

10 1946 The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was one of the worlds first computer. - large stand-alone machine - Used large amounts of electricity - Contained miles of wires and thousands of vacuum tubes - Considered immensely useful when compared to hand- operated calculators 1946 ENIAC is introduced, an electronic computing machine build by John Mauchly and Presper Eckert

11 1940’s Cont’ 1947 On December 23, William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and JohnBardeen successfully test the point-contact transistor, setting off the semiconductor revolution. 1949 Maurice Wilkes assembles the EDSAC, the first practical stored-program computer at Cambridge University.

12 1950’s IBM sold its first business computer.
- Computational power was equivalent to 1/800 of a typical 800-megahert Pentium computer sold in 2000 - perform one task at a time - Typical input and output devices were punch cards and paper tape

13 Research Work !!! Use the internet to find what development that happen to electronic digital devices in the following years. 1950 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1958 1959

14 1960’s Expensive time-sharing computers became popular in large organizations that could afford them 30 people could work on one computer simultaneously Input occurs via teletype machine Output is printed on a roll of paper Could be connected to the telephone

15 Research Work !!! Use the internet to find what development that happen to electronic digital devices in the following years. 1960 1961 1964 1965 1966

16 1970’s The advantage of computer networks was realized
and files transfer were born

17 Research Work !!! Use the internet to find what development that happen to electronic digital devices in the following years. 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

18 1980’s PC’s became available in large numbers.
Networks of interconnected PC’s became popular (LANs) TCP-IP Organizations utilized resource and file sharing

19 Research Work !!! Use the internet to find what development that happen to electronic digital devices in the following years. 1980 1981 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989

20 1990’s An explosion of computer use occurs.
Hundreds of millions of computers are being used in business and homes Most computer are now connected to the internet Java is quickly becoming the common language of today’s computer.

21 Research Work !!! Use the internet to find what development that happen to electronic digital devices in the following years. 1990 1991 1993 1994 1995 1986 1997 1998 1999

22 Research Work !!! From 2000 to 2010, there are lots of different development in the digital electronic devices. Use the internet or any other media to identify at least 3 from each year.

23 Summary Computer History Timeline
Digital Electronic Devices Development.

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