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Label Continents and Oceans on world map. Social Scientists 1.What is the job.. a)Sociologist: to study customs and values of a culture b)economists:

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Presentation on theme: "Label Continents and Oceans on world map. Social Scientists 1.What is the job.. a)Sociologist: to study customs and values of a culture b)economists:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Label Continents and Oceans on world map


3 Social Scientists 1.What is the job.. a)Sociologist: to study customs and values of a culture b)economists: to study how people, societies, and nations choose and supply the things they want c)political scientists: to study how people are governed

4 Social Scientists 2. read, observe, investigate, ask questions 3. People are complex

5 Geography Notes

6 What is Geography? The study of all the physical features of the Earth’s surface, including people, their environments, and their resources

7 Themes of Geography Location: absolute, relative Place: Physical and human Characteristics Interaction between people and the environment

8 Themes of Geography Movement: – migration – trade – ideas – Diffusion: movement of customs or ideas from one place to another; spread of cultural features – Interdependence: mutual dependence of countries on goods, resources, and knowledge from other parts of the world Region: unifying characteristics

9 Longitude and Latitude

10 Lines of Longitude or Meridians Runs north-south and meet at the poles (up & down) Measured east/west of the Prime Meridian (0 0 degrees longitude) The direction in which the degrees increase is the direction from the Prime Meridian (east/west)

11 Lines of Latitude or parallels: Run east-west (across) Measured by degrees north/south of the equator (0 0 degrees latitude) The direction in which the degrees increase is the direction from the equator (north/south)

12 Climate vs. Weather Climate: the pattern of changes in weather over a number of years Weather: the condition of air at any one time

13 Latitude and Climate Tropics (low latitudes) – Between Tropic of Cancer (23.5 0 N. Latitude) & Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 0 S. Latitude) Polar Regions (high latitudes) – arctic circle: 66.5 0 North – Antarctic Circle: 66.5 0 South Latitude Temperate Zone (middle latitudes) – climate varies

14 arctic circle: 66.5 0 North Antarctic Circle: 66.5 0 South Latitude Tropics (low latitudes) Polar Regions Temperate Zone

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