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EUV & X-ray Updates to FORWARD since our last meeting Terry Kucera NASA/GSFC March 10, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "EUV & X-ray Updates to FORWARD since our last meeting Terry Kucera NASA/GSFC March 10, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUV & X-ray Updates to FORWARD since our last meeting Terry Kucera NASA/GSFC March 10, 2014

2 EUV & X-ray Imagers AIA, XRT, EUVIA/B, TRACE, EIT If you want to add a new instrument you need to write a program like the ones in $FORWARD/OBSERVABLES/for_calc_* Which read in the pre-calculated spectra and convolve them with the instrumental response function.

3 EUV and X-ray imager options ABUND: Can select abundance from following chianti options: – sun_coronal_1992_feldman_ext (default) – sun_coronal_2012_schmelz – sun_photospheric_2011_caffau or USERSPEC User supplied spectra files convolved with instrument response function. or PITEAM response (currently only for AIA)

4 EUV Spectral Line Intensities Following suggestions of Enrico Landi and we have revamped how we do spectral lines. Populations at different atomic levels are now pre-calculated for all ions. User can select any line from 1-1410 Å. User can select ioneq or abundance tables from chianti or their own files in the same format. Still assumes thermal and ionization equilibrium, optically thin, collisionally dominated plasma.

5 Automatic Line Blend Search Blends automatically included by consulting the following line lists: Tn_e 4.011 4.510 5.0 9 5.5 8 6 7 6.5 7 7 7.5 7 These are not used to calculate the actual intensities, just to estimate which lines might be present over a range of temperatures in the range Wavelength ± Lwidth/2 Would be easy to change

6 Spectral Keywords LINE : e.q., 'Fe12_195.12’ IONEQ (default: chianti) ABUND (default: Feldman 1992 extended) LWIDTH (in Å) include lines for wavelength ± LWIDTH Default is instrument dependent LLIM limit for blend inclusion (default 0.01) CVERSION INGOFNT – user specified G(n,T) file – bypasses all of the above. OUTGOFNT – filename to save G(n,T) you used.

7 FORWARD_DB To implement these changes, especially the population files for the spectral lines we have now added a FORWARD_DB directory. A $FORWARD_DB system variable must be defined just as $FORWARD is.

8 Future The collisional spectral line calculations can be expanded to include scattering, which would be useful for visible band lines.

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