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New ways of learning in the future: examples from France Mônica Macedo Centre national de documentation pédagogique (CNDP) Eminent Conference Genoa, November.

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Presentation on theme: "New ways of learning in the future: examples from France Mônica Macedo Centre national de documentation pédagogique (CNDP) Eminent Conference Genoa, November."— Presentation transcript:

1 New ways of learning in the future: examples from France Mônica Macedo Centre national de documentation pédagogique (CNDP) Eminent Conference Genoa, November 14, 2012

2 Outline  The French context  Results from iTEC’s second cycle  An example in the classroom  Conclusions – How should we prepare the teachers for the classroom of 2025? 2iTEC - Designing the future classroom

3 The French context  Widespread access to computers and Internet – At home (99% of teachers) – At school (78%)  Growing use of ICT in pedagogy – Teacher only (77%) – Teacher and students (21%)  A need for CPD and training – Teachers as self-taught (87%) – Lack of self-confidence in using ICT (37%) iTEC - Designing the future classroom3 (Profetic survey, 2012)

4 iTEC – second cycle  Participants: ~400 teachers (and their classes) – 15 countries – 14 teachers from France  3 learning stories  298 evaluation questionnaires iTEC - Designing the future classroom4

5 Preliminary results  The most implemented learning story: – Students creating science resources (71% of the classes) – Embedding exam preparation in learning activities (23%) – Mathematics in a multicultural setting (6%)  Easy to adapt with no help from others (70%)  Should be made widely available (59%) iTEC - Designing the future classroom5

6 Innovative potential iTEC - Designing the future classroom6 Teachers perceived a great potential in the stories to teach “differently” in the classroom, by introducing new pedagogical practices, changing relationships and even going beyond classroom boundaries.

7 An example in the classroom DD/MM/YYYYiTEC - Designing the future classroom7

8 Conclusions  In the hands of a confident teacher, iTEC scenarios allow for new ways of learning in the classroom  Students benefit from authentic learning goals, not using technology “per se”  “Functional view” of ICT in education iTEC - Designing the future classroom8

9 How should we prepare the teachers for the classroom of 2025?  An open question…  Develop teachers skills and self-confidence – Reinforce expertise – Identify core skills to be developed  Train teachers on research-based methods iTEC - Designing the future classroom9

10 For further information The work presented in this presentation is partially supported by the European Commission’s FP7 programme – project iTEC: Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom (Grant agreement Nº 257566). The content of this presentation is the sole responsibility of the consortium members and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission and the Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained herein. DD/MM/YYYY10iTEC - Designing the future classroom WEB: EMAIL - iTEC FRANCE: (LEAR) (NPC) (NPC) (NTC) (MoE)

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