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Montgomery County ESC Phase II: SLO Training.  In order to show growth you need to have a consistent framework between the pre- and post-assessments.

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Presentation on theme: "Montgomery County ESC Phase II: SLO Training.  In order to show growth you need to have a consistent framework between the pre- and post-assessments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Montgomery County ESC Phase II: SLO Training

2  In order to show growth you need to have a consistent framework between the pre- and post-assessments.  Creating an assessment framework will help you plan the structure and design of your assessments.

3  What is included in an assessment framework? ◦ Clear identification of standards to be covered ◦ Priority of standards ◦ Sample size ◦ Identification of assessment questions/types ◦ Connections to content to drive item creation

4  Identify what standards your assessment will cover.  These may be called the big ideas or power standards.  Reference state or national documents to determine priorities. ◦ Hint: Try using heading titles to ensure clarity.

5  Once the big ideas are identified, prioritize them.  Discuss what percentage of the whole assessment (100%) each big idea represents.  Number of standards does not necessarily equal relative importance.  Can use ranges when agreement cannot be reached.

6  Determine the number of questions (or overall points) for your assessments.  This should be appropriate for your grade- level of students.  Correlate each prioritized big idea to a number within your assessment.  Example: ◦ Whole test to have 50 questions. ◦ Big Idea #1 is 25% of assessment. ◦ Big Idea #1 would have 12-13 questions.

7  The three main type of assessment question types are: ◦ Selected Response ◦ Open Response ◦ Performance Assessment

8  Students select the response.  Examples: ◦ True/False ◦ Matching ◦ Multiple Choice  PARCC multiple choice = select all that apply

9  Students provide the answer.  Examples: ◦ Fill in the Blank ◦ Short Answer ◦ Extended Response ◦ Essay  Requires usage of tool to measure mastery (rubric).

10  Students provide evidence of meeting a defined criteria.  Examples: ◦ Lab Report ◦ Musical Performance ◦ Fitness test  Requires usage of tool to measure mastery (rubric).

11  Assessment items must link to the content.  Items should also assess the standards at the appropriate level of rigor. ◦ Example: It would be hard to show if a student can “evaluate” a concept using a matching question.  This step will mainly help you identify topics for specific assessment items once it is time to write them.

12  Each subject, course, or grade level may have different needs or focus areas.  Helpful Hints: ◦ Try to model your assessments off of state or national models. ◦ Use your curriculum maps to help you determine priority, question numbers and types.  What is best for your course?

13  Work with teachers of similar courses to complete the Big Ideas handout.Big Ideas handout ◦ Approximately 30 minutes  Use the Big Ideas handout to complete your Assessment Framework. Assessment Framework ◦ Approximately30 minutes  Or  Work on developing your SLO.SLO

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