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Answer one of the following questions. -What is an open-ended question? -When you are interviewing someone, why is it important to ask open-ended questions?

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Presentation on theme: "Answer one of the following questions. -What is an open-ended question? -When you are interviewing someone, why is it important to ask open-ended questions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Answer one of the following questions. -What is an open-ended question? -When you are interviewing someone, why is it important to ask open-ended questions? Do Now (5 min)

2 I’d Like to Introduce… Activity 1.4

3 1.Do Now (5 min) 2.Objectives (2 min) 3.Partners Name and Questions (6 min) 4.Open-ended vs. Close-ended questions (5 min) 5.Revise close-ended into open-ended questions (5min) 6.Look back at your own questions (3 min) 7.Write questions into template (3 min) 8.Interview your partner (10 min) 9.Write your introduction (15 min) 10.Closing (1 min) 11.Exit Slip (2 min) 12.Participation Grades (3 min) Agenda

4 Objectives (2 min) Language (How you will master the knowledge) By: 1.Writing and editing questions 2.Asking open-ended questions and recording your classmates answers Content (The knowledge you’ll master today) SWBAT: 1.Create rough draft classroom norms for 10 different situations 2.Create class-wide final-draft classroom norms for 10 different situations 3.Define the word “norm” and explain why it is important to have norms Content (The knowledge you’ll master today) SWBAT: 1.Distinguish between open-ended and closed-ended questions and write open-ended questions 2.Interview your classmate

5 Partners Name and Questions (6 min) Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Distinguish between open-ended and closed-ended questions and write open-ended questions by writing and editing questions -on p. 13, write down your partners name and four questions you could ask to learn important info about your partner Today, you will interview a student in this class, and then tomorrow you will introduce this person to the class

6 Open-ended vs. Close-ended questions (5 min) Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Distinguish between open-ended and closed-ended questions and write open-ended questions by writing and editing questions An open-ended question is not a “yes/no” question. It is designed to allow the person answering to express their thoughts/feelings.

7 Revise close-ended into open-ended questions (5min) Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Distinguish between open-ended and closed-ended questions and write open-ended questions by writing and editing questions Let’s revise these close-ended questions into open-ended questions! Does your Dad work? Revision: Do you have a job? Revision:

8 Look back at your own questions (3 min) Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Distinguish between open-ended and closed-ended questions and write open-ended questions by writing and editing questions Look at the questions you just wrote for #2. Are they open- ended? Revise them so they are

9 Write questions into template (3 min) Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Distinguish between open-ended and closed-ended questions and write open-ended questions by writing and editing questions Write your four questions in the four boxes!

10 Interview your partner (10 min) Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Interview your classmate by asking open-ended questions and recording your classmates answers Now, interview your partner, and take notes on their answers in the box provided. *Make sure to take notes on their: -tone of voice -their body language -their facial expressions *Also, make sure to write down some direct quotes (exactly what they said) Make sure you both go!

11 Write your introduction (15 min) Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Interview your classmate by asking open-ended questions and recording your classmates answers Using your notes, get ready to write an interview narrative. Your interview narrative will have an introduction, some body paragraphs and then a closing. Right now, you will write your introduction.

12 Closing (1 min) Content (The knowledge you’ll master today) SWBAT: 1.Create rough draft classroom norms for 10 different situations 2.Create class-wide final-draft classroom norms for 10 different situations 3.Define the word “norm” and explain why it is important to have norms  Did you master the following objectives? Language (How you will master the knowledge) By: 1.Writing and editing questions 2.Asking open-ended questions and recording your classmates answers Content (The knowledge you’ll master today) SWBAT: 1.Distinguish between open-ended and closed-ended questions and write open-ended questions 2.Interview your classmate

13 1.If you wanted to know about a persons music preference, what open-ended question could you ask? (Hint: There are TONS of ways to answer this Exit Slip…In other words, there is not only ONE right answer) Exit Slip (3 min)

14 Your 5-point daily participation grade is based on CLA’s core-values: CLA Students are S.M.A.R.T. SMART (Participation) Grade (5 min) What do you deserve today? *One point for each core-value (5 points possible each day). I reserve the right to change these grades. S = Self-Controlled M = Motivated A = Accountable R = Respectful T = Timely Each day YOU will decide the grade you deserve.*

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