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Put your faith in Christ for salvation. I. Introduction of the “Word” (John 1:1–5) A. Relation of the Word to God (1:1, 2) B. Relation of the Word to.

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Presentation on theme: "Put your faith in Christ for salvation. I. Introduction of the “Word” (John 1:1–5) A. Relation of the Word to God (1:1, 2) B. Relation of the Word to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Put your faith in Christ for salvation.

3 I. Introduction of the “Word” (John 1:1–5) A. Relation of the Word to God (1:1, 2) B. Relation of the Word to creation (1:3–5) 1. Jesus created everything (v. 3) 2. Jesus is life and light (vv. 4, 5)

4 II. Introduction of the Witness (1:6–8)

5 III. Incarnation of the Word (1:9–18) A. Response to the Incarnation (1:9–13) 1. Negative response (vv. 10, 11) 2. Positive response (v. 12) B. Reality of the Incarnation (1:14)

6 We should know that Christ wants people to be saved. We should be eager to witness because Christ offers salvation freely. We should witness indis- criminately knowing that Christ’s grace covers all sin. We should witness confidently knowing that the gospel is true. We should witness uncompro- misingly knowing that the gospel cannot be changed. We should witness boldly knowing that Christ is the truth.

7 III. Incarnation of the Word (1:9–18) A. Response to the Incarnation (1:9–13) 1. Negative response (vv. 10, 11) 2. Positive response (v. 12) B. Reality of the Incarnation (1:14) C. Revealer of the Incarnation (1:15) D. Results of the Incarnation (1:16–18)

8 Put your faith in Christ for salvation. Tell the lost the reason for Christ’s Incarnation.

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