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Essential ?: How do I describe or talk about multiple people or things?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential ?: How do I describe or talk about multiple people or things?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential ?: How do I describe or talk about multiple people or things?

2  The words el and la mean “the”  The words un and una mean “a” or “an”  Nouns are either masculine (el) or feminine (la) ◦ Masculine nouns refer to guys or end in –o ◦ Feminine nouns refer to girls or end in –a  Adjectives go after noun they describe  Adjectives have to be changed to match gender ◦ Un muchacho alto ◦ Una muchacha alta  Ser: to be ◦ Yo soy = I am ◦ Tú eres = you are ◦ Él/Ella/(name of person or thing) es = he/she/someone/something is

3  Share 3 things you remembered and one that you did not from the review with your face partner  Write an example for:  El  Ella

4  To make a noun plural, it is pretty easy  If the word ends in a vowel, add –s  If the word ends in a consonant, add –es  Singular: el, la, un, una  Plural: los, las, unos, unas

5  Write an example on your notes for the following:  Los  Las  Don’t forget to make the nouns plural too!  Write them down in your notes

6  Now we focus on adjectives.  Adjectives have to match the gender (masculine/feminine ) and number (singular/plural of the nouns they describe If adjective ends in vowel, add –s El muchacho alto; los muchachos altos If it ends in a consonant, add –es Una clase interesante, unas clases interesantes

7  We have a few adjectives in this chapter’s vocab that don’t end in ‘-o’. They don’t change in gender. ◦ Fácil, difícil, interesante, popular  Don’t add ‘a’ if it is a feminine noun ◦ Una muchacha popular, BUT unas muchachas populares ◦ La clase interesante, las clases interesantes  Only nationalities and adjectives ending in - dor add an a. ◦ La muchacha inglesa

8  You know that to describe someone or something, or to say where someone is from, you use ser. ◦ Yo soy = I am ◦ Tú eres = you are ◦ Él/ella/(someone/something) es = He/she/someone/something is

9  There are other pronouns ◦ Nosotros = we ◦ Ustedes (Uds.) = you all (use this) ◦ Ellos/ellas (they)  With ser ◦ We are = (nosotros) somos ◦ They are = Ellos/Ellas/mutiple people or things son ◦ You (all) are = Uds. son

10  Yo soy alto. Nosotros somos altos  Bob es un amigo bueno. Bob y Juan son amigos buenos.  La clase es interesante. Las clases son interesantes.  La muchacha es popular. Las muchachas son populares.

11  Yo (I) Soy-I am  Tu (you) Eres- You are  Es (él, ella, usted)- he/she is  Somos (nosotros)-we are  Son- (ellos, ellas, ustedes)-They/you all/you guys are

12  Your assignment is to do 15 more pairs like the previous slide. Write one describing sentence that is singular. Then write one that is plural  USE THIS SENTENCE FORMULAR:  Article + noun + “ser” + adjective  Example: The boy is tall. The boys are tall  El muchacho es alto.Los muchachos son altos.

13  The tall boyThe tall boys  El muchacho altoLos muchachos altos  The easy classThe easy classes  La clase facilLas clases faciles

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