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NCSR “Demokritos” University of Istanbul INRNE, Sofia University of Sofia VINCA, Belgrade PMF, Univ. of Novi Sad IRB, Zagreb NIPNE, Bucharest UPB, Bucharest.

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Presentation on theme: "NCSR “Demokritos” University of Istanbul INRNE, Sofia University of Sofia VINCA, Belgrade PMF, Univ. of Novi Sad IRB, Zagreb NIPNE, Bucharest UPB, Bucharest."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCSR “Demokritos” University of Istanbul INRNE, Sofia University of Sofia VINCA, Belgrade PMF, Univ. of Novi Sad IRB, Zagreb NIPNE, Bucharest UPB, Bucharest ATOMKI, Debrecen Slovak Acad. Sc., Bratislava Acad. Sc. ČR Rež., Prague IFJ PAN, Krakow Warsaw University EWON member institutions

2 Network Coordination Committee WORKING GROUPS MEMBER INSTITUTIONS R. Broda, M. Harakeh, S. Harissopulos J.Dobes, V.Zamfir The structure The final deliverables Report No. 1: “Research activities of Southeast and Northeast European Nuclear Physics Groups at Large Scale Facilities of Europe: Status and Future Possibilities”. Report No. 2 “A Mapping Study of Nuclear Science and Technology in the Southeast and the Northeast European Countries: Present and Future”.


4 the 1st web-page

5 Web pages: EURONS – EWON – www.inp.demokritos/gr/EWONwww.inp.demokritos/gr/EWON PNPN – meetings: Krakow - 14/15 September 2004, status of EURONS and SEENEEN activity status of PNPN and Nucl.Phys.Groups in Czech, Hungary and Slovakia reports on NEEN groups involvement in JRA’s and other european projects Prague – 14-16 March 2005, review of basic nuclear physics activities at NEEN facilities NEEN research projects conducted at european LSF’s Debrecen – 20-25 June 2005, Int.Symposium on Exotic Nuclear Systems

6 Madeira/Funchal 7/8 February 2005 –EURONS/FINUPHY meeting EOW represented by S.Harissopulos-SEEN and R.Broda – NEEN Bordeaux 29/30 September 2005 – GENERAL ASSEMBLY meeting EOW represented by S.Harissopulos – SEEN and A.Maj, P.Napiórkowski-NEEN Athens November 17/18 – SEEN meeting NEEN represented by E.Betak (Bratislava) and J.Dobes (Prague) Mainz April 2006 – EURONS PCC meeting EWON represented by S.Harissopulos

7 Bucharest – May 13/14 2005 SEEN meeting Krakow – June 8 2006 EWON meeting Zagreb – October 20/21 2006 EWON meeting Groningen – December 11/12 EURONS PCC meeting Warsaw – January 30 2007 PNPN/EWON meeting Mainz – March 2007 - EURONS GA meting PRAGUE – May 10-12 2007 EWON workshop

8 Kraków meeting of the extended Executive Board of the EURONS East-West Outreach Networking Activity June 8 2006, Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Kraków Poland

9 Program: 1.Opening of the meeting 2.Current status of SEEN activity (S.Harissopulos) 3.Situation within the NEEN activity (R.Broda) and summary of NEEN finances (P.Napiórkowski) 4.Discussion (question of future NEEN coordination) 5.Organizational scheme for the preparation of the report on „Research activities of southeast and northeast nuclear physics groups at the European LSF’s: Status and Future Perspectives” (proposed by R.Broda) 6.Discussion and selection of the writing committee ------- Lunch brake ------- 7.EWON’s future within FP7: Facts and perspectives (S.Harissopulos) 8.Concepts of Regional User Facilities (J.Jastrzębski, A.Maj) 9.Discussion 10.Consideration of proposals for the next EWON (NEEN,SEEN meetings 20:00 – Dinner

10 EURONS - Large Scale Facilities GSI Darmstadt, D UCL-CRL-Louvain-La-Neuve, B GANIL, Caen, F JYU-JYFL, Jyvaskyla, FIN INFN-LNL, Legnaro, I ECT*, Trento, I RUG-KVI, Groningen, NL CERN-ISOLDE, Geneva, CH




14 Questionnaire for the preparation of the EURONS East-West-Outreach Network Activity (EWON) Report on: “Research Activities of Southeast and Northeast European Nuclear Physics Groups at the European Large Scale Facilities: Status and Future Possibilities” Instruction Template – filled with example Krakow-LNL INFN Example of brief description of collaboration with laboratories other than LSF ( Europe and outside)

15 At present only 16 filled questionnaires received. Krakow – R.Broda Debrecen – F.Tarkanyi, Z.Kovacs, Zs.Dombradi Zagreb – D.Milijanic, Z.Basrak, R.Caplar Belgrade – N.Neskovic, V.Dmitrasinovic, S.Jokic Warsaw (Soltan INS) – K.Rusek, E.Ruchowska, I.Zychor Bucharest – B.Constantinescu Novi Sad – M.Veskovic Lodz - J.Andrzejewski

16 Important remark Since the report will also include the brief outline of the research performed by the NEEN/SEEN groups in other European laboratories and outside Europe, the groups which are involved in such activity are kindly requested to provide the brief information relevant to make the summary of this activity. Editorial Board of the Report 1 R.Broda J.Dobes M.Harakeh S.Harissopulos N.V.Zamfir

17 Physicists responsible for parts of the Report concerning a given Large Scale Facility GSI A. Maj UCL-CRC D. Balabanski JYU-JYFL S. Harissopulos GANIL B. Fornal INFN-LNL D. Bucurescu RUG-KVI A.Krasznahorkay CERN-ISOLDE D.Balabanski ECT* J.Dobaczewski Other european and non-european centers Part summarizing this activity will be the task of Editorial Board

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