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TABLES AND FIGURES Prof Jorrit Gerritsen Beatrix Children’s Hospital University Medical Center Groningen.

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Presentation on theme: "TABLES AND FIGURES Prof Jorrit Gerritsen Beatrix Children’s Hospital University Medical Center Groningen."— Presentation transcript:

1 TABLES AND FIGURES Prof Jorrit Gerritsen Beatrix Children’s Hospital University Medical Center Groningen

2 General rules Abbreviation of the word “Figure” is “Fig.” “Table” is not abbreviated Figures and Tables are numbered independently i.e. in same manuscript Table 1, 2, 3, etc. next to Fig. 1, 2, 3, etc. When figures are strongly related they can be numbered with Fig. 1a, 1b, etc. Tables and Figures are in the manuscript presented on separate pages from text material at the end of the references. Some prefer to present the tables and figures in the Results section to make clear its position.

3 General rule tables Legends (sometimes called the caption) goes above the Table Units are specified in column headings wherever appropriate Lines of demarcation are used to set legend, headers, data and footnotes apart from one another Footnotes are used to clarify points in the table, or to convey repetitive information about entries Footnotes may also be used to denote statistical differences among groups for example: *p<0.01; # p<0.001, etc.

4 Anatomy of a table Table legend Column titles Table body (data) Footnotes

5 Flow-volume curve

6 Figure 1 Sailesh Kotecha Spirometric lung function in school-age children. Effect of Intrautering growth retardation and catch-up growth. AJRCCM

7 Figures The most common Figure types are: – Bar graph – Frequency histogram – XY scatterplot – XY line graph – Pie

8 histogram

9 simple bar without SD

10 mean and confidence limits

11 bar with SD

12 Regression with SD

13 Kaplan-Meier plot

14 plot individual data

15 scatter

16 regression

17 scatter

18 EM picture

19 gene 1

20 gene 2

21 gene 3

22 general considerations on figures big or little? a good rule is to size the fig to rill about one half of a page color or no color? black and white is preferred. title or no title? never use a title for Figures included in a paper. offset axes or not? elect to offset the axes only when data points will be obscured error bars or not? always include error bars (SD or SEM) when plotting means

23 conclusions tables and Figures are important in telling the story in your manuscript make the tables and Figures as simple as possible limit the number of tables, they are mostly difficult to read and more importantly boring Look careful at the dimensions of the y-axis of your plot give a presentation of your tables and figures to other scientists and reward their suggestions

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