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Tips and Tricks. What is Lotus Traveler? Lotus Traveler is a mobile app that connects on the go users to their City of Phoenix Lotus Notes What it does.

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Presentation on theme: "Tips and Tricks. What is Lotus Traveler? Lotus Traveler is a mobile app that connects on the go users to their City of Phoenix Lotus Notes What it does."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips and Tricks

2 What is Lotus Traveler? Lotus Traveler is a mobile app that connects on the go users to their City of Phoenix Lotus Notes What it does Pushes Lotus Notes E-mail, Calendar and Contact to mobile devices – Android phones and tablets and iPhone, iPad, iPod Allows users to lookup users in the City and personal contacts What it doesn’t do No defined e-mail alerts (yet) – it just uses default mail notification To Do/Tasks not supported

3 Where do I find help? Type EMS in your IE browser address bar. This will take you to the Enterprise Messaging Sharepoint site – in the left pane will be a link to the Lotus Traveler area. Here is the full link if the shortcut doesn’t work: http://itsphx/eis/computingservices/em/mm/Traveler/Forms/DescriptiveView.aspx Just about everything you may need is on this page Install instructions for Apple, Android and Win 6 devices How to change your device password to match AD FAQs

4 Tips and Tricks #1 issue is password sync with AD Users will need to put device into Airplane Mode Go to account on device and change password Make sure not locked out in AD or on Traveler server Wait a few minutes Take out of Airplane Mode #2 issue is pop-up on device that says it can’t connect to server and implies password issue

5 Some statistics Traveler devices to date

6 Another interesting stat Traveler devices by type

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