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INL SNF PROGRAM presented to National Spent Nuclear Fuel Program Technical Exchange Meeting November 8 - 9, 2005 Washington, DC presented by R. O. Ramsey.

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Presentation on theme: "INL SNF PROGRAM presented to National Spent Nuclear Fuel Program Technical Exchange Meeting November 8 - 9, 2005 Washington, DC presented by R. O. Ramsey."— Presentation transcript:

1 INL SNF PROGRAM presented to National Spent Nuclear Fuel Program Technical Exchange Meeting November 8 - 9, 2005 Washington, DC presented by R. O. Ramsey INL SNF Program Manager U. S. Department of Energy Idaho Falls, Idaho November 8, 2005

2 CPP-651 Unirradiated. Fuel Storage Facility

3 1.1 INL's SNM Management Strategy Empty CPP-651 by 04/30/05 (accelerated from 09/30/09) –CPP-651 is the only EM-managed Category I SNM Facility at the INL. Emptying the facility will reduce overall security and program costs at INTEC. Anticipated Benefits: –Consolidation and dispositioning of SNM with appropriate offices at appropriate sites. –Close a Security Category Level I facility. Estimated S&S savings: ~$2M/yr. –Emptying of the Facility. Estimated Ops savings: ~$600K/yr.

4 1.1 INL's SNM Management Strategy Status and Accomplishments: 07/05/05 – Project is complete. This project dispositioned to appropriate programs, site and/or offices What:10 material types (2,221.1 kg U) How:Repackaged and shipped offsite From:3,978 original containers/items Into:722 shipping containers. In most cases, appropriate dispositioning allows beneficial reuse of valuable national resources. 07/19/05 – DOE-ID approved the downgrade of CPP-651 from a Material Access Area to a Property Protection Area.

5 1.1 INEEL's SNM Management Strategy Disposition all Remaining EM-Managed Materials by 09/30/09 –Materials located outside of CPP-651 are likely to require disposal. Status and Accomplishments: –Other program offices have been alerted to the availability of these materials. –No interest was the response. –Highest risk material (U-233) has been evaluated. –Dispositioning discussions have been initiated. –A basic plan has been established. √

6 1.2 Recent Accomplishments for the INEEL SNM Program Recent accomplishments –FY1997 – Shipped offsite 28.3 kg U (85 containers) –FY1998 – Shipped offsite 175.4 kg U (79 containers) –FY1999 – Shipped offsite 5.2 kg U (15 containers) –FY2000 – Shipped offsite 16.5 kg U (19 containers) –FY2002 – Shipped offsite 5.4 kg U (7 containers) –FY2003 – Shipped offsite 27.0 kg U (15 containers) –FY2004 – Shipped offsite 12.4 kg U (13 containers) Rover/PARKA –FY2004 – Shipped offsite 1,776 kg U (311 containers) Denitrator Product –FY2005 – Shipped offsite 436.4 kg U (367 containers) ANL-W, Rover/PARKA, LANL, PWR, Fluorinel, ANL-E, GEFAST, U of WA, and Vycor Glass Materials

7 1.3The Future 1 The ICP Contract –Effective 05/01/05, the INL EM-managed SNM program has expanded scope. –The program will receive and manage certain materials from the NE program. The contractor shall: –Dispose or disposition approximately 417 kg of SNM (listed in Table C.6 of the RFP) from TRA to an approved DOE or commercial disposal or storage facility by September 30, 2009. –[47 separate items/categories of material; ~ 416.5 kg U.]

8 1.3The Future 2 Projected Accomplishments –All EM-managed SNM will have been shipped offsite or dispositioned by 09/30/2009. –New scope NE-owned SNM will have been shipped offsite or dispositioned by 09/30/2009.

9 1.3The Future 2Needs –Receiving Site assistance for meeting disposal WAC –EM/HQ assistance for termination of safeguards –NNSA assistance to obtain approximately 14 SSTS


11 2.1 INEEL's Spent Fuel Management Strategy 1.Perform national responsibilities:  Receive domestic fuels; and  Receive FRR fuels. Status and Accomplishments:  46 truck cask equivalents during the period FY98-FY05 FY9899000102030405Total FRR3513012015 DRR00000312235 Total35130324250

12 2.1 INL's Spent Fuel Management Strategy 4.Make DOE-owned legacy SNF road-ready: Support removal from Idaho and Colorado by 01/01/35. Status and Accomplishments: DOE determines to design, NRC-license, build and operate the SNFDSP. –12/92Initial Feasibility Studies published. –11/94Second Short Data Form submitted requesting 1998 LICP funding. –03/96Mission Need Document for SNF DS Project. –06/96Project validated as a 1998 LICP. –01/97DOE redefines acquisition strategy from standard LICP to a privatization procurement. –01/99DOE releases RFP. –05/00DOE awards contract to Foster Wheeler. –11/01The license application was submitted to the NRC. –03/02The NRC accepted the license application for formal review. –11/04NRC grants license. √

13 2.2 FY2005 Accomplishments for the INL SNF Program 10/26/04 – Transferred the last of six outdoor dry storage casks containing spent nuclear fuel from the TAN-791 SNF dry storage pad to the newly constructed CPP-2707 SNF dry storage pad. This completes the final activity for consolidation of EM-managed SNF to INTEC. 01/29/05 – Completed transfer of standard TRIGA SNF from wet storage in CPP-666 to dry storage in CPP- 603/IFSF. This is the first campaign in the wet-to-dry transfers planned for emptying CPP-666.

14 2.2 FY2005 Accomplishments for the INL SNF Program 03/31/05 – Transferred SHADO 1 (fuel debris) out of the South Basin of CPP-603. 08/31/05 – Completed receipt of eight planned onsite ATR SNF transfers (100%) at CPP-666 from the RTC. 09/21/05 – Placed the final ORR Peach Bottom SNF shipment into a dry storage vault at CPP ‑ 749.

15 2.2 FY2005 Accomplishments for the INL SNF Program 09/26/05 – Transferred eight of 109 planned Al-SNF shipments from wet storage in CPP-666 to dry storage in CPP-603/IFSF. This is the second campaign in the wet-to-dry transfers planned for emptying CPP-666. 09/28/05 – Received two of the planned three casks (67%) from TRA to INTEC for storage at CPP-749. 09/28/05 – Received the planned DRR shipment (two casks Pulstar SNF from SUNY Buffalo) at INTEC for storage at CPP-603/IFSF.

16 2.3 FY2006 Accomplishments for the INL SNF Program 10/18/05 – Received the last of the planned three casks (100%) from TRA to INTEC for storage at CPP-749. This activity completes the consolidation of NE-managed SNF to EM space resulting from the exchange as planned within the two contracts. Present – Well into the 2nd of 15 planned transfer campaigns to empty CPP-666 of EM- managed SNF.

17 2.4The Future 1 The ICP Contract –Effective 05/01/05, the INL EM-managed SNF programs has expanded scope. –The program will receive and manage certain materials from the NE program. The contractor shall: –Transfer approximately 5kg of SNF (listed in Table C.7 of the RFP) from TRA to safe storage at INTEC by September 30, 2009. [13 separate items/categories of material; ~ 4.5 kg U.] –Complete – 10/18/05

18 2.4The Future 2 Projected Accomplishments –Complete MOA with NR to establish roles and responsibilities, cost, scope and schedule to achieve return of NR SNF to NRF by 09/30/2012. –Initiate construction of the SNFDSP. –The last wet storage facility will be emptied with the transfer of SNF managed at CPP- 666 to several dry storage facilities located at INTEC, ANL-W and NRF by 09/30/2012.

19 2.4The Future 3Needs –EM/HQ to determine if sodium-bonded SNF should be treated –EM/HQ to determine if epoxied SNF should be treated –EM/HQ to determine if the baseline plan to execute the SRS/INL SNF swap should proceed –EM/HQ to negotiate ownership of EBR-II SNF managed at INTEC/CPP-666

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