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Transformations in V+, VAL3, and TPP

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1 Transformations in V+, VAL3, and TPP
Sebastian van Delden USC Upstate

2 V+

3 Defining Transformations
The built-in V+ trans function creates a new transformation: trans(X, Y, Z, Yaw, Pitch, Roll)

4 Related V+ Functions dx (location) dy (location) dz (location)
set curpos = HERE The here function returns a transformation that represents the current location of the tool frame (NOTE: set needs to be used to populate location variables). decompose curvals[ ] = curpos The decompose function can be used to return the 6 position values. dx (location) Returns X value of location dy (location) Returns Y value of location dz (location) Returns Z value of location inverse (transformation) Return the inverse of its parameter

5 Related V+ Functions scale(transformation BY factor)
RX(angle) Create a pure rotation transformation of angle degrees around X. RY(angle) Create a pure rotation transformation of angle degrees around Y. RZ(angle) Create a pure rotation transformation of angle degrees around Z. SHIFT(transformation BY x_shift, y_shift, z_shift) Return a transformation resulting from shifting the translation values of the transformation parameter. scale(transformation BY factor) Returns a scaled transformation

6 Applying Transformations
Transformations can be multiplied together using a colon(:) to create a new location. move trans(10,2,30,90,0,0):rx(30):a ORDER MATTERS: move rx(30):trans(100,0,0,0,0,0) Make a 30 degree rotation around robot world X and then translate 100 mm down this direction. I.e. rotation happen around world frame move trans(100,0,0,0,0,0):rx(30) Translate 100 mm down the original world X, and then a 30 degree rotation I.e. rotation happen around tool frame

7 Defining Tool Transformations/Frames
The tool frame is located on the tool flange. Usually the tool frame is moved to an appropriate location in the tool. Allows for better tool control tool trans(X,Y,Z,Yaw,Pitch,Roll) X,Y,Z,W,P,R are manually determine by user.

8 Tool Transformations IMPORTANT: Always assign the tool transformation before you teach points AND before you visit those points. All motion instructions after the tool trans declaration use that tool frame. The tool can be redefined at any point in the program with another tool trans statement

9 Tool Transformation Example
What is the tool trans for this tool? Original tool frame on flange Desired location of tool frame

10 Defining Generic Frames
A coordinate system, or frame, can be created in V+ by teaching 3 locations An origin, origin. A location on the X axis, x. A location on the Y axis, y. set f = frame(origin, x, y, origin) The first parameter is where X and Y cross. This is usually the origin, but you can move this up or down.

11 More on Frames Be careful when moving to a frame.
Consider trying to touch the origin of the frame in the picture with the tip of tool. move f Will crash the arm in the box move f:trans(0,0,0,0,180,0) Will align Zs properly

12 Approaching and Departing Locations
appro(A, 50) or appros(A,50) Go to a location 50 mm “above” A, where “above” is along the Z axis associated with A depart(50) or departs(50) Move 50 mm away from the current location along the location’s Z axis.

13 VAL3

14 Defining Tool Transformations/Frames
Any number of tool transformations can be defined as global variables 1. Cursor to “flange” 2. Press “New” Key - Give the tool transformation a name, for example, “mytool”

15 Manually Enter X, Y, Z, W, P, R…

16 Tool Transformation and Motion
Every motion instruction must include a tool transformation as a parameter: movej(somePoint, mytool, motionDescription) movel(somePoint, mytool, motionDescription) movec(viaPoint, somePoint, mytool, motionDescription) No guesswork!

17 Defining Transformations
Transformation Variable trsf enables to make computation on Cartesian points Ex : Approach on point, Shift in pallet, Compose a new point, …. 6 numeric field : x, y, z, rx, ry, rz If trsf trShift is defined, two possible ways to populate it with values: trShift={0,0,-100,0,0,0} or trShift.x=0 trShift.y=0 trShift.z=-100 trShift.rx=0 ... Notes: Not possible to make motions on trsf !! Used ONLY for computation on Cartesian !!

18 Apply a Transformation using APPRO
POINT ← appro(POINT,TRSF) APPRO computes a Cartesian point related to a point on which is applied a transformation POINT p POINT pPick TRSF trShiftz NUM nDistance=100 are defined trShiftz={0,0,-nDistance,0,0,0} p=appro(pPick,trShiftz) movej(p,tGrip,mFast) p X Z tool pPick -100 Or: movej(appro(pPick,trShiftz),tGrip,mFast) movej(appro(pPick,{0,0,-100,0,0,0}),tGrip,mFast) Notes:

19 Transformation Example 1
movej(appro(pPick,{180,0,-100,0,0,0}),tGrip,mSlow) 1 2 movel(appro(pPick,{0,0,-100,0,0,0}),tGrip,mSlow) 3 movel(pPick,tGrip,mSlow)) 1 2 Notes: 100 180 X Z pPick 3

20 Transformation Example 2
movel(pPick,tGrip,mSlow) 1 2 movel(appro(pPick,{0,0,0,0,-20,0}),tGrip,mSlow) (Blend =off) 1 Z X pPick 2 - 20° Notes: X Z pPick

21 Defining Generic Frames
Importance: The robot is in production, The application is working at full capacity, but …. Joe is driving the forklift and ... !!!! DISASTER !!!!! … one day for re teaching locations.. Except if ... Notes:

22 Frame Creation Local Coordinate system :
to make points re teaching easier used to duplicate locations shift of points in a pallet Notes:

23 Frame Teaching Defined with 3 points to teach :
Use a precise tool : pointer Define this tool as current Teach points as far as possible each other (+ accurate) Y X fPallet X Y World Axis x Axis y Origin Notes:

24 POINTS IN A FRAME Teach points using the frame so that they are created in the tree branch of the frame. During teaching coordinates are displayed in frame reference For the move instruction, it is not needed to specify the frame: movej(pA ,tGrip, mFast) fPallet X Y World pA Notes:

25 Setting a Frame in the Program
nError = setFrame(pOrigin, pX, pY, fRef) 3 points O, X, Y Frame to compute (A Pass-by-Reference Parameter) Error Code : 0 : no error -1 : ptX too close to ptOrigin -2 : 3 points are nearly aligned Notes:

26 Compose can be used to define a new point in the frame
Compose(point,frame,trsf) : compute a point shifted by trsf expressed in frame p=compose(pFirst,fPallet,{160,50,0,0,0,0}) movel(p ,tGrip,mSlow) 50 80 X Y World Notes: fPallet X Y

27 Using 2 Identical Frames
fRef2 X Y To use a point with same coordinates in 2 frames : Create a point in each frame Teach one of the point Copy trsf of point in second one fRef1 X Y Notes: X Y World pRef2.trsf=pRef1.trsf

28 TPP

29 Defining the Tool Transformation/Frame
The tool coordinate system is defined by using the frame setup screen or changing the following system variables. Ten tool coordinate systems can be defined. The desired one can be selected. $MNUTOOL [ 1, i ] (Frame number i = 1 to 10) is set the value. $MNUTOOLNUM [ group ] is set the used tool frame number. Three ways to set a tool frame.

30 Navigate to the Tool Offset Menu
Press the MENU key on the teach pendant and then navigate to SETUP -> FRAMES.

31 You can define up to 10 tool frames
Select the one you want to define and click DETAIL. SETIND sets the current tool frame.

32 Choose which method you want to use to define the tool frame

33 Direct (Manual) Method – just type in the X, Y, Z, W, P, R values

34 Three Point Method Defines the only X, Y, Z location of the tool center point (TCP). Teach three points that approach the TCP from different angles The bigger difference in the angles the better. Use a stationary point. There is no “built-in” three point method in V+… Exercise: Figure out how to do this in V+/VAL3 

35 The Three Point Method Idea

36 Think about the Geometry/Math


38 TPP walks you through the three point method
The three points to be taught

39 Six Point Method

40 Setting the Tool Frame in a Program
A taught location can only be revisited if the active tool frame is the same one it was taught with. The program will generate a run time error if a different tool frame is active. The tool frame can be changed in the program using the UTOOL_NUM = … command. To find this, press [INST], then:

41 Setting the Tool Frame in a Program
Set the appropriate tool frame before the motion instruction Taught using tool frame 2 Taught using tool frame 1

42 Defining Generic Transformations/Frames
In TPP, you can define “offsets” which can be applied to any motion command. It can be inserted directly in the motion command. Example - move to location p[1] with an offset located in position register 2 (pr[2]):

43 Step-by-Step Example: Offsets
Recall the previous program a couple slides back: Let’s add an offset/transformation so that the point P[3] is visited with a -50 Z translation and a 20 degree Yaw rotation (around X).

44 Defining the Offset in a Position Register.
2) Press |TYPE| (F1) and cursor to Position Reg 1) Press Data Key

45 Enter the values: 0,0,-50,20,0,0 and press done when finished

46 Modifying the Motion Instruction
Press Edit key to get back to program and cursor over to the end of the desired motion instruction. Then press CHOICE.

47 Navigate to Offset, PR[…]

48 Finish Inserting the Offset
P[3] is now visited with an offset of -50 in tool Z and a Yaw of 20 degrees.

49 Offset VERSUS Tool_Offset
Performs the transformation w.r.t the world coordinate system Tool_Offset There is also a “Tool_Offset” that you can navigate using the menus which performs the transformation w.r.t the tool coordinate system.

50 Defining Generic Frames
Called User Frames in TPP, these frames are defined and used almost exactly like how tool frames are. Like with tool frames, navigate to Frames:

51 If you are still looking at the tool frames, press the |OTHER| function key and choose User Frame

52 Manually Enter in the User Frame data or use one of the built-in methods

53 Selecting the User Frame
Just go back to your program, and insert the UFRAME_NUM = … command similar to how a tool frame is declared in the program.

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