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Rehab By: Brittany and Brooke Montross Period 6. \ Where you go first? The Sign-In Binder!

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Presentation on theme: "Rehab By: Brittany and Brooke Montross Period 6. \ Where you go first? The Sign-In Binder!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rehab By: Brittany and Brooke Montross Period 6

2 \ Where you go first? The Sign-In Binder!

3 Rehab Rehab Rehab! To restore to good health and return to previous athletic performance. Example: Volleyball hitter able to hit again.

4 Your muscles will be worked in order to perform activities specific to your sport Increase the chances to play again Increase the stability of the injured area Increase the muscle strength/ endurance Decrease inflammation Increase flexibility in muscle/joint. Less chance of reinjury Education on your injury ‘s It may hurt it takes time out of your schedule Inflammation

5 o 6:30- 7:15 AM Monday-Friday o Athletic period o After school

6 Who will help me & how? ­ Certified Athletic Trainers (ATC) ­ Licensed Athletic Trainers (LAT) ­ Student Athletic Trainers (SAT) Sign in when you get there A student trainer will be assigned to the athlete that is injured Push them to reach there goals Monitor there progress


8 Rebounder Used to increase balance, ankle/knee stability, hand & eye coordination. RX Balance Pad Used to increase balance & ankle/knee stability Body Blade- Increase stabilization in shoulder, and makes your shoulders stronger Foam roller- Increase flexibility,

9 Ice Bath- Used mainly after an injury or workout. May reduce swelling/inflammation on any body part Hydroculator (Heat Pads) Used warm-up & relax muscles

10 Web Slide Theratubing bands that each have a different resistance. Used to strengthen muscles & increase range of motion Electrical Stimulation/Ultra Sound Used to stimulate/reduce pain at an injured site on the body


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