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Me Book By Selena By Selena. My Favorite Food One of my favorite things to eat is boiled eggs because they have a mellow flavor. Another favorite food.

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Presentation on theme: "Me Book By Selena By Selena. My Favorite Food One of my favorite things to eat is boiled eggs because they have a mellow flavor. Another favorite food."— Presentation transcript:

1 Me Book By Selena By Selena

2 My Favorite Food One of my favorite things to eat is boiled eggs because they have a mellow flavor. Another favorite food I like is tacos because they’re crunchy and yummy. And one other food I enjoy eating is pizza and why I enjoy eating pizza is because it has melted cheese and good pepperoni's.

3 I enjoy…. One of my favorite school subjects is social studies because it is interesting and it’s fun to learn about people and things from a long time ago.

4 I enjoy… An activity I enjoy out of school is riding my bike because I have two older cousins and they will double ride me.

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