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This is about the Battle of Hastings
But before we get to that, we need to know what went before Edward died on the 5th of January. The very next day, Harold Godwinson, with the backing of the Witan was crowned at Westminster. During the Summer William of Normandy prepared to invade, but the ships being wind powered had to wait for it to be blowing in the right direction. He waited and waited. Meanwhile Harold’s brotherTostig joined forces with Harald Haarada and together they invaded the North of England. They won a battle over the local Lords and Harold rushed North to rescue the situation. Remember most of the soldiers would have had to walk all the way! On25 September, they met in battle at Stamford Bridge and Harold routed the Norwegian army killing both Harald and Tostig. Just when they were congratulating themselves and having a well earned rest, a message came from the south that wind had changed and William had set sail. So Harold gathered his army and marched south again! Meanwhile William set up camp at Pevensey – he had time to build a motte and bailey castle to protect their stores ( these only took 10 days or so to build) On October 13th William’s scouts spied Harold’s army approaching- probaly about 7000 all told.
The Battle of Hastings, 1066
The Saxon Army 1. Housecarls
Harold had two types of soldiers in his army: 1. Housecarls These were full time professional soldiers who were well trained & paid. During the Battle of Hastings, one Housecarl managed to cut his way through the neck of a horse to kill it’s rider with just one blow!
The Saxon Army 2. Fyrd Harold had two types of soldiers in his army:
These were part time, unpaid soldiers who were called up when the country was in danger.
The Norman Army Horsemen / Calvary Spearmen Archers
These are highly trained, full time professional soldiers
The Battlefield Harold Army forms a shield Wall
The housecarls were in the front and fyrd to either side Williams archers were in front (grey line), with the spearmen and footsoldiers behind them (blue) and the horsemen at the rear Either side of Williams position was a marsh which was difficult to cross
The Start of the Battle ‘The blowing of trumpets announced the start of the battle on both sides. Eager and brave Normans were the first to attack. The English threw javelins and missiles of all sorts, dealing out savage blows with their axes.’ William of Poitiers
The Start of the Battle Bayeux Tapestry, The Normans attack the Saxon Shield Wall
Early Stages of the Battle
‘The English were helped by the advantage of their high position which, massed tightly together they held without attempting to advance. The weapons which they fought with easily cut through shields and other protective armour.’ William of Poitiers
Early Stages of the Battle
Aha, I’m going to try me some French frogs legs!
The Normans start running away
‘The Normans imaged their Duke was dead, but he rushed after them and showed his bared head. “Look at me!” he shouted, “I’m still alive.”
He Lads, I have a plan! What was William’s Cunning Plan?
When the Normans retreated a thousand Saxon Warriors left the protection of the Shield Wall to chase after the Normans. They were easily Killed by the Norman Horsemen!
Normans pretend to run away
They then turn around and splatter the Saxons who are chasing after them!
Second Stage: Cunning Plan!
‘They withdrew, pretending to turn in flight. Some thousand or more of the English rushed forward; suddenly the Normans turned their horses, cut off the force which was pursuing (chasing) them, encircled them and massacred (killed) them to the last man. Twice the Normans used this trick with equal success.’ Can you see a problem with this and slide 11 William of Poitiers
Third Stage: The Archers
The Shield Wall was weakened but still strong, so William orders his Archers to aim high to distract the Saxons whilst he led another charge.
Fourth Stage:The Shield Wall Collapses
Harold’s brothers are killed.
Final Stage: Death of Harold
King Harold, arrow in the eye, ouch!
Final Stage: Death of Harold
“Then it was with an arrow which was shot towards the sky, struck Harold above the right eye.” Guy of Amein, 1067
Final Stage: Death of Harold
“Receiving the fatal arrow from a distance, he died. One of the Norman soldiers with a sword then cut off his leg as he lay.” William of Mamesbury, 1125 Which of these 2 are secondary sources and which are primaary
Or is that the way it was? Left Detail: Harold's death scene drawn by Antoine Benoît From a photograph loaned by Dr David Hill & John McSween; reproduced by kind permission of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.
Or this? Right Detail: Engraving of Charles Stothard's drawing made in the early 19th century. Reproduced from 'The Battle of Hastings 1066' by Dr M.K. Lawson, Tempus publishing Ltd 2002.
So what happened Notice the discrepancies between Antoine Benoît's original drawing and the Stothard engraving made some 90 years later. Some historians now believe that the tapestry interpretation of King Harold II shown with an arrow in the eye is due to an error in judgement.
Look again. The man with arrow in his eye is clearly alive
The label in Latin says Here King Harold was killed. Could Harold be the dead man on the horse? Some historians think so
What about the symbolism?
It was common medieval iconography (symbolism) that a perjurer dies with a weapon through the eye, thus the tapestry suspiciously emphasises William's rightful claim to the throne, since Harold broke his oath to William and thus died with an arrow in his eye. Whether he actually died in this way remains a mystery and much debated
Aftermath Once King Harold and his brothers are dead the rest of the Saxon army runaway.
King Harold was killed here
The Battlefield Today King Harold was killed here maybe ….
Now for Homework
You are to write a SHORT newspaper report
For either of these 2 papers The Saxon Sun The Norman Star Based on “their respective” perspectives, write about The Battle of Hastings. Include: The Opponents Why Battle Occurred Tactics Outcome of Battle Impact on England
The important points are ..
It must be short – no more than 150 words These newspaper are like the NY Post They write in short sentences They use words that are BIASED In support of THEIR opinion!
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