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“I shouldn't ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog“ pg.43 It parallels to future events including the killing of Lennie by the hand of George. This.

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Presentation on theme: "“I shouldn't ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog“ pg.43 It parallels to future events including the killing of Lennie by the hand of George. This."— Presentation transcript:

1 “I shouldn't ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog“ pg.43 It parallels to future events including the killing of Lennie by the hand of George. This is what George went by, since he wanted to save Lennie from a worse killing, he decided to kill him. This is wrong. I think they could have just left, run away again, like they did in the beginning.

2 “so we sit in a irrigation ditch… At night we scrammed outta there.” pg. 39 Lennie and George have ran away from a bad situation before so if george wouldn’t have killed lennie, they could have gone to another place again and find another job. But Instead of doing that George became tired to having to look out for lennie and he decided to kill him.

3 “If you jus’ happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an’ hide in the brush” Lennie is know for getting in trouble so George sets up a plan for Lennie but instead of doing the same thing every time (runaway) he shoots him in the head and kills him

4 Morally Right

5 “We oughtta let [him] get away. Curley’s gonna wanta get him lynched. Curley’ll get him killed.” pg. 89 If George had not killed him the way that he did then Curley would have probably lyched him or made him die a slow painful death. So George’s mercy killing was a much better way to get rid of him. Also running away seems to not be working for them by the fact that they do it all the time, so maybe he was tired of it.

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