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MSC PROJECT UPDATE. WA PROCESS FOR THIRD PARTY CERTIFICATION WA government will fund pre- assessments, full assessments and first audit costs All fisheries.

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2 WA PROCESS FOR THIRD PARTY CERTIFICATION WA government will fund pre- assessments, full assessments and first audit costs All fisheries are subject to pre- assessment – Allows DoF/licence holders to see what issues may exist – Highlights information gaps Based on pre-assessment and possiblyimprovement Projects (FIPs) the fishery can proceed to full assessment voluntarily Fisheries Minister approves MSC as 3rd Party Certifier Pre-Assessment - obligatory Decision to proceed - voluntary Full Assessment WA Govt Approves 3 rd Party Certification ($14.5 M) FIP? FIP project 2013- 2016 2013 2013- 2014 2012

3 Progress to Full assessment Exmouth prawn trawl - Sept 2014 Shark Bay prawn trawl - Sept 2014 West Coast Deep sea crab - Feb 2014 Pearl fishery - August 2015 Beche de Mer August 2015 Peel Harvey Estuary crab– commercial – Feb 2015 Peel Harvey Estuary crab - recreational – Feb 2015 Peel Harvey Estuary – sea mullet – Feb 2015 FULL ASSESSMENTS PRE - ASSESSMENTS

4 Reasons given for undertaking full assessment Opportunity to develop a sustainable brand for their fishery and improve their Public profile/social licence Recognition that fisheries sustainability is increasingly being recognised by consumers/retailers as a point of differentiation in purchase options Potential to reduce pressure from environmental and other groups to further restrict commercial fishing An insurance policy for market expansion if current markets collapse and for growth into new markets with stronger environmental requirements.

5 Fishery Harmonisation Ensures quality and consistency of overlapping assessments/certifications Ensures equitable assessment and certifications Provides clarity on assessment outcomes

6 Harmonised Fishery Assessments for Overlapping Fisheries PB3.1 CABs assessing overlapping fisheries shall ensure consistency of outcomes so as not to undermine the integrity of MSC fishery assessments. PB3.2.2 CABs shall ensure that conclusions are consistent between the two (or more) fisheries, with respect to evaluation, scoring and conditions

7 Consultation requirement from certification agencies

8 DoF response to the Exmouth Client report Condition: Demonstrate that the consultation process provides opportunity for all interested and affected parties to be involved Response: Annual meetings with relevant government /local government agencies Annual briefings to Shire and other community interest groups Broader stakeholder participation by providing opportunity for comment and feedback on key fisheries policies and initiatives

9 Demonstrate that the consultation process provides opportunity for all interested and affected parties to be involved Response The Department will invite stakeholders to attend an annual WRL fishery research and management briefing and discussion forum, commencing in 2015. The WRLC may also provide briefings on industry issues. Department of Parks and wildlife Abrolhos Islands Management and Advisory committee Recfishwest Conservation Council of WA World Wildlife Fund Local Tertiary Institutions Local Government and community groups Stakeholder registered on the WRLF stakeholder and interested party list Broader stakeholder participation by providing opportunity for comment and feedback on key fisheries policies and initiatives

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