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Contents Scope of Work and Work Stages

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1 Future Circular Collider ARUP: Status of Geological Models Yung Loo Andy Kervell

2 Contents Scope of Work and Work Stages
Preliminary Geological Studies and Decision Aid Tool Preliminary findings and constraints Geological Studies – Next Stages Decision Aid Tool (GIS) – Next Stages Proof of Concepts and Project examples Discussion on requirements, constraints, opportunities to collaborate. Next steps (+ furthered in afternoon session)

3 Work Stages

4 Preliminary Geological Studies | Decision Aid Tool
A. Key Variables: Tunnel Elevation Tunnel Gradient & Inflection Point Shaft Position on Ring B. Key Outputs: Summary statistics: Shaft depth +uncertainty C. Accessible Interface 100km (230mASL) 100km (310mASL) Gradient, % 0.5 0.1 Mean Shaft Depth, m 240 224 Max Shaft Depth, m 609 619 Mean total length of all shafts, km 2.21 2.05 Molasse:Limestone:Moraine (Dependent on NW Jura/Molasse contact) 80:20:0 to (72:28:0) 75:20:5 (67:28:5)

5 Preliminary Geological Studies | Decision Aid Tool
0km to 10km Molasse / Moraine interface drops steeply to the north of Latitude ~46.27 (~North of Corsier) To avoid tunnelling through the moraine under Lake Geneva, the ring needs to pass: South of Latitude ~46.27 Below ~250mASL. Tunnel through moraine? Lake sediment rockhead? EPBM? / Slurry TBM? / Immersed Tube (IMT)? [seismic survey carried out by Fiore (2011)]

6 Preliminary Geological Studies | Decision Aid Tool
10km to 45km Tunnel enters pre-alpine thrust front Transition from Geneva Basin Molasse to overthrusted pre-alpine molasse and flysch Subsurface contact is not expected to be clearly defined. Faulting and Cretaceous basement extent to be determined Tunnel engineering geology broadly similar across molasse sequences La rivière de l’Arve at Chainage 25km will be underlain by moraine. It is not expected to clash with a graded alignment.

7 Preliminary Geological Studies | Decision Aid Tool
45km to 75km Tunnel intersects foothills of Southern Saleve and foothills of Vuache, bordering the molasse Two main molasse sections underlie Les Usses and La Rhone. (peak of a graded alignment) Connectivity with rivers, underground solution features, uncompacted superficials Definition of rockhead level important here

8 Preliminary Geological Studies | Decision Aid Tool
75km to 100km Tunnel contacts between the foothills of the Jura and the Molasse Basin. Tunnelling through sedimentary sequences may be unavoidable, unless whole alignment moved SE. Better definition of rockhead contact needed.

9 Preliminary Geological Studies | Decision Aid Tool
Summary: Areas to Focus Moraine/molasse boundary beneath Les Usses and La Rhone Jura limestone/molasse boundary at the Northwest part of the ring Lateral extent of subsurface limestone/sedimentary sequences at the Southern Saleve and Vuache Further geological investigation, particularly of the sub-alpine molasse/flysch to cover: Effects of faulting, other geohazards and engineering geological features specific to the various sequences.

10 Geological Studies – Next Stages
St-Claude Douvaine St-Julien-en Genevois Annemasse Annecy Bonneville Seyssel

11 Geological Studies – Next Stages
e.g. Annemasse: Mapped Molasse-Quaternary Contact Annecy-Bonneville: Mapped cross-section on Saleve BRGM: Carte Geologique de la France a 1/50 000, no. 654 BRGM: Carte Geologique de la France a 1/50 000, no. 678

12 Next Stages Constraints Geometric Circumferencial variation
Ring shape e.g. quasi-circular, quasi-racetrack Planarity No. of shafts and spacing Geological Rockhead contacts: Quaternary | Molasse | Cretaceous Geohazards: Faults, expansive soils, aquifers, stress, caves

13 Decision Aid Tool (GIS) – Next Stages
Geometric Attributes Geotechnical Attributes CERN: 80km Ring Concept Shieldhall Tunnel ArcGIS Platform Gaming Engine Based Geological Models Combined Attributes + Outputs

14 Decision Aid Tool (GIS) – Next Stages
Preliminary Proof of Concept

15 Decision Aid Tool (GIS) – Next Stages



18 Available Data
Existing Investigations: Annemasse – Isohypses du contact Molasse/Quaternaire 1960s – Humilly-1/2 (St-Julien-de-Genevois), Faucigny-1 – Petroleum Exploration Thônex – 1993 – geothermal investigation Peissy-1 – Hydrocarbon wells 7BHs – BP-France (Canton Geneva) Mount Sion Motorway Tunnel – A41 Lake Geneva Tunnel UNIL: Applied Geology Research CERN: LHC, VLHC (GADZ)

19 BRGM – French Geological Reference Platform
French Geological Reference Platform ( platform) “Acquisition and management of geological data that involves the entire French geosciences community (university laboratories, companies, etc.) 1/ subsoils databank (BSS) Geological and geophysical surveys planned Multi-annual programme that will be deployed in stages across France through regional work programmes”

20 BRGM – French Geological Reference Platform

21 Next Steps PHYSICS Requirements & Granularity
Priorities & Critical Areas Responsibilities & Collaborations Opportunities GEOLOGY ENGINEERING GIS

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