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1 Software for the KEK test Malcolm Ellis 13 th April 2005.

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1 1 Software for the KEK test Malcolm Ellis 13 th April 2005

2 Malcolm Ellis2 Outline 1. Requirements 2. Suggested modifications 3. Suggested additions to domains 4. Work schedule

3 13th April 2005Malcolm Ellis3 Requirements 1.More sophisticated alignment (to take into account translations/rotations/etc...) 2.Calibration information per channel (pedestals/gains). 3.Decoding information (MCM/channel -> waveguide -> station/plane/fibre) 4.Track fitting when B == 0. 5.Flexible ability to produce user applications for online tasks (calibration, alignment, monitoring, etc) 6.Visualisation 7.Raw data input.

4 13th April 2005Malcolm Ellis4 Suggested Modifications 1.Alignment: SciFiGeomDecoder needs to be able to cope with individual translation and rotation of planes and take information in a way that specifies translations/rotations at every “level” (e.g. plane, station). This can be achieved by additions to and modifications of the existing code. This will also require additional data-files to store the initial and subsequently refined alignment information.

5 13th April 2005Malcolm Ellis5 Suggested Modifications 2.Calibration: Additional classes and data- files similar to those used in the cosmic analysis need to be added, probably to the Calib package. 3.Decoding: Additional classes and data- files similar to those used in the cosmic analysis need to be added, probably to the Config package. 4.Track fitting: The existing Recon code can be extended to allow B==0.

6 13th April 2005Malcolm Ellis6 Suggested Modifications 5.User applications: I propose adding a new domain that can “see” all the lower domains and which will be where executables are made. This will allow many new executables (not just Simulation, Reconstruction, etc) to be created with purpose-specific code in it that uses the existing G4MICE functionality.

7 13th April 2005Malcolm Ellis7 Suggested Modifications 6.Visualisation: In order to quickly provide an event display, I propose to reuse existing code that uses the small, simple libsx wrapper library. This means that we add an extra domain near the top containing the graphics- specific code, and a dependence to the new external package libsx. 7.Raw data: new code to understand the DAQ output from the tracker test and produce the low level C++ classes will need to be written, once the exact format is known.

8 13th April 2005Malcolm Ellis8 Potential new Domains Diagram

9 13th April 2005Malcolm Ellis9 Work Schedule Implement/check KEK tracker test switch. Add decoding/calibration/alignment code and first-pass data-files. In parallel, Yagmur adds new domains and modifies Makefiles. Once ready, prepare a few new applications for monitoring, etc. Add visualisation code and event display application. Write code to read in raw data.

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