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Peter McIntosh (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) Jim Clarke (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) Camille Ginsburg (FNAL) 2 nd PASI Workshop, RAL April 3 - 5, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Peter McIntosh (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) Jim Clarke (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) Camille Ginsburg (FNAL) 2 nd PASI Workshop, RAL April 3 - 5, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter McIntosh (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) Jim Clarke (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) Camille Ginsburg (FNAL) 2 nd PASI Workshop, RAL April 3 - 5, 2013

2 PASI #1 Review Topics Achievements During 2012 Plans for PASI #2 –New Technology Topic Areas Conclusions Overview

3 PASI #1 Review – SRF Processing SRF Infrastructure (VTS, HTS, processing): –UK users of FNAL facilities (Shakespeare Engineering Ltd cavity?), 1 or 2 week visits –1 or 2 year visits Qualification of Shakespeare by FNAL: –Test single cell cavity –Test 9 cell cavity CBP processing & potential transfer knowledge/capability to UK.

4 PASI #1 Review – SRF Linac/Cavities Daresbury Cryomodule – CW especially interesting: –Visits/commissioning. ISIS upgrade – SRF linac: –Design study (if required). Microphonics & Lorentz detuning control, passive/active: –(Especially CW & long pulse) –Expts with Daresbury cryomodule and tests at FNAL Deflecting/Crab cavity (ASTA, PX, LHC, NLS): –Information exchange, identify & exploit opportunities/synergies.

5 PASI #1 Review – ASTA Programme ASTA experiments/instrumentation: –Information exchange, identify & exploit opportunities/synergies. –Carry out (joint) experiments & supply instrumentation/test diagnostics (?). ASTA NLS

6 PASI #1 Review - Magnets PAMELA magnets/integrable optics: –Explore synergies with 6D cooling magnets. –(Cross cutting opportunity with magnets & muons). Interface between materials science & accelerator application of SC: –Examine opportunities at interfaces with other disciplines (surface science, materials science,…) HTS testing, insulation coatings of Bi2212: –Investigate interest on interlab exchange of test samples. Exploration of technology for ADSR.

7 SRF Vendor Qualification In December 2009 STFC Innovations Mini-IPS (Industry Partnership Scheme) funding secured (1-year): –Knowledge exchange of SRF cavity fabrication and qualification with Shakespeare Engineering Ltd. Purpose of the programme to develop the capability of UK industry to produce and validate SRF cavities. Technology would then be directly applicable to future large scale accelerator facilities. Aim was to utilise existing SRF test facilities at Daresbury and Jlab to process and validate the fabricated cavities. Long term plans to provide an opportunity for UK industry to bid for the construction of the SRF systems for major particle accelerators. Competencies gained will provide an opportunity for technology and knowledge transfer and ultimately the entire process would scale to industrial production needs.

8 Jlab Qualification 2010 3 x single cell 1.3GHz SRF cavities fabricated: –Spinning of beampipes demonstrated. Verification tests performed: –SN01 was successfully tested at Jlab. –Targets exceeded  23 MV/m with a Q 0 > 10 10 –Accelerating gradient of 28 MV/m with a Q 0 = 2.9 x 10 9 achieved –Improvements to baking and BCP processing facility taking place at Daresbury to facilitate testing of SN02. –SN03 currently at FNAL undergoing processing prior to test.

9 Cavity Preparation for VTS test: 1.Bulk EP (Argonne/FNAL) 2.800 C Hydrogen Degas 3.Light EP (Argonne/FNAL) 4.No 120 C bake Tests performed at 2K. Initial Q o @ 3 MV/m = 2.2 x 10 11 Soft MP observed @ 18 MV/m. Repetitive quench @ 25 MV/m, 1.5 x 10 10 –No sign of conditioning. –No radiation observed CBP processing currently underway. Acknowledge support from: –C Ginsburg – FNAL Project Lead –A Rowe – Cavity Processing –Curtis Crawford – VTS testing –Alex Melnitchouk – Report summary FNAL Qualification 2012 See: Alan Wheelhouse Talk: WG6 Session 3, Thursday 4 th April 11:00 – 12:30

10 STFC, Lancaster Univ & CERN collaborating to develop Crab Cavity solution for LHC: –4-Rod Crab Cavity (4RCC) – EUCARD –Crab Cavity Cryomodule – HL-LHC US-LARP supporting: –Ridged-waveguide CC R&D with ODU/Jlab –Coaxial CC R&D with BNL –CM development progressing with FNAL. CERN require LHC-CC CM to be tested on SPS prior to installation on LHC. CM design developing to match SPS installation and qualification during 2015/16. LHC-CC CM down-selection expected in 2016/17. LHC-CC Cryomodule R&D

11 SPS space constraints differ from LHC IP locations. Common engineered CM solution being developed by UK team. Review meeting held at FNAL in Dec12: –CM engineering issues reviewed. –Collaborative opportunities identified with FNAL across both LHC-CC and PXIE CM designs. LHC-CC Cryomodule R&D See: Shrikant Pattalwar Talk: WG6 Session 5, Friday 5 th April 09:00 – 10:30

12 New SRF Cryomodule @ Daresbury Collaboration formulated in early 2006 to design and fabricate new CW cryomodule and validate with beam. Dimensioned to fit on the ALICE ERL facility at Daresbury: –Same cryomodule footprint. –Same cryo/RF interconnects. –‘Plug Compatible’ with existing cryomodule. ParameterTarget Frequency (GHz)1.3 Cryomodule Length (m)3.6 R/Q (  ) 762 E acc (MV/m)>20 E pk /E acc 2.23 H pk /E acc 46.9 CM Energy Gain (MeV)>32 QoQo >10 10 Q ext 4 x 10 6 - 10 8

13 During Mar13 CM successfully cooled to 2K and preparing for high power RF testing. CM will probe fundamental ERL performance capabilities of SRF cavities. >20 MV/m CW operation anticipated, strong synergy with PXIE SRF linac systems: –Thermal characterisation. –Microphonics sensitivity & suppression. –RF control & stability studies. CM Integration on ALICE See: Peter McIntosh Talk: WG6 Session 4, Thursday 4 th April 13:30 – 15:00

14 RF Control Challenges: –PXIE, MICE, ALICE, VELA Microphonics, feedback/feed-forward processes. Diagnostics & Instrumentation (with WG4): –PXIE, FETS, ISIS RF System Developments (with WG4): –SRF cavity & cryomodules, RFQ’s CW Operation and Thermal Management. Crab/deflecting cavity development. Test Facilities (with WG4): –PXIE, FETS, ALICE, EMMA, VELA Serpentine acceleration with EMMA. Magnets and Vacuum Systems. Industrialisation (with WG4): –IARC, FNAL, LHC. –SRF cavity fabrication/preparation with industry. PASI #2 Technologies

15 From PASI #1, collaboration has achieved: Successful SRF qualification of new UK vendor. CW experiments identified for new SRF CM on ALICE. CM development opportunities identified for both LHC and PXIE. New technology areas identified for PASI #2: RF Control Challenges Diagnostics & Instrumentation Test Facilities Industrialisation Anticipate strengthening UK/FNAL collaboration in these respective areas. Conclusions


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