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Presentation on theme: "MUTUAL FUND – REGULATORY FRAMEWORK"— Presentation transcript:



3 Structure of Mutual Fund

4 Types of Mutual Fund Money Market ELSS Equity Balanced

5 Board of Directors No AMC Director can be a Director of Trustee Company. 50% of AMC Directors – Independent. Minimum number of Trustee Directors – Four No Trustee Director can be Trustee of any other Mutual Fund 2/3rd of Trustee Directors – Independent Appoint Independent Dir in place of the resigning Dir within 3 months. An associate director can be appointed as independent dir after cooling period of 3 yrs Meetings Trustee Meetings – Once in every two calendar months.

6 Key Reports before Board of Directors
Securities transactions through brokers more than 5% Networth of the AMC. Investment by the schemes in a Company who has invested more than 5% in MF. Dealing in Securities of Associate Companies Inv in Unlisted and Privately placed Securities, Unrated Debt Securities, NPAs Justifications for investment in the Bank Deposits Holding/ minimum number of investors in the Schemes/ Plans of PMF. Temporary breakdown in the time stamping machines Inter Scheme Transfers Status of Redressal of Investor Complains

7 Offer Document It is known as Scheme Information Document & Statement of Additional Information and the format is prescribed by SEBI. Similar like Prospectus prepared under Listing Requirements. Key Contents of Offer Document: Asset Allocation of the Scheme (Where will scheme invest) Risk Factors Offer Details Benchmark Fund Manager Investment Restrictions Penalties / Litigations Due Diligence Certificate Filed with SEBI for approval. Once approved valid for 6 months

8 Dividend Trustee have to approve quantum & record for periodical div ( like quarterly, half-yearly, yearly or interim dividends). Within 1 calendar day of trustee approval Dividend Notice in Newspapers The record date should be 5 calendar days from the issue of notice. Notice ad in 10 size font and it is mandatory: a. To mention NAV of the scheme would fall to the extent of payout and stat levy b. That Proposed dividend be declared only in units i.e Rs. 4/- p.u and not 40% div. Div Ad.pdf

9 Employee Dealing Regulations
Pre-clearance for access persons Reporting in the specified format within 7 days from the date of transaction; Minimum Holding Period of 30 days; Fund should not have transacted during last 15 calendar days and Trustee Directors have to report transaction above Rs. 1 lacs on Quarterly Basis. AMC Directors have to report all transaction on quarterly basis. Derivative Deals not allowed. No front running or self dealing. No phones in dealing area / calls to be reviewed. Any exceptions to be reported to Trustee & to SEBI. e-dealing.pdf

Sr. Limit Description 1 A scheme shall not invest more than 15% of the NAV in rated debt instrument issued by a single issuer. The limit can be extended to 20% subject to prior approval of the Board of AMC and Trustee. The limit shall not be applicable for investment in government securities and money market instruments. 2 A scheme shall not invest more than 10% of its NAV in unrated debt instruments issued by a single issuer and total investments shall not exceed 25% of the NAV. Investments shall be made with the prior approval of the Board of AMC and Trustees. 3 No mutual fund under all its schemes should own more than ten per cent of any company's paid up capital carrying voting rights. 4. No Investment in; (a) any unlisted security of an associate or group company of the sponsor; or (b) any security issued by way of private placement by an associate or group company of the sponsor; or (c) the listed securities of group companies of the sponsor which is in excess of 25% of the net assets.

Sr. Limit Description 5 A scheme shall not invest more than 15% of the NAV in rated debt instrument issued by a single issuer. The limit can be extended to 20% subject to prior approval of the Board of AMC and Trustee. The limit shall not be applicable for investment in government securities and money market instruments. MFUND.pdf 6 No mutual fund scheme shall invest more than 10% of its NAV in the equity shares or equity related instruments of any company. This limits is not applicable for Index Funds or sector or industry specific scheme. 7 A mutual fund scheme shall not invest more than 5% of its NAV in the unlisted equity shares or equity related instruments in case of open ended scheme and 10% of its NAV in case of close ended scheme. 8 Investment in overseas securities shall not exceed USD 300 million across all schemes. SEBI has enhanced the aggregate ceiling for overseas investment to USD 7 Billion.

All advertisements displaying returns/yields must disclose, immediately after the returns/yields and in the same font, that ‘Past performance may or may not be sustained in future’. Only compounded annualised yield can be advertised if the scheme > 1 year. Annualised yields when used must be shown for last 1, 3 , 5 years and since launch of the scheme. All performance advertisements shall also mention the returns on the benchmark indices, during the same time periods and should contain risk factors. Hoarding & Posters : Carry only the following statement “Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read the offer document carefully before investing”. PLCF To displayed in black letters of at least 8 inches height or covering 10% of the display area, on white background No Celebrities shall form part of the Advertisement sachin - aviva1.jpg rahul - bob. jpg

Audio-Visual Media: The statement “Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully”. shall be displayed on the screen for at least five seconds.W USE OF RANKINGS: All advertisements containing a ranking must disclose in the main body of the advertisement that ‘Past performance is no guarantee of future results’ P In the advertisement containing a ranking also disclose: Name of category (equity /debt), No. of Mutual Funds in the category Length of the period and the ending date. Criteria of Ranking. If any fees / expenses have been waived to affect the ranking. The publisher of ranking date. If a symbol is used (say ) then meaning of the symbol ( indicates fund is in top 30% of MF schemes)

14 Presentation by Ashutosh Naik Company Secretary Principal Pnb Asset Mngt Co. Pvt. Ltd. M: PH:


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