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Do Now… Write the answers to the following questions How are STDs spread? Which STDs can be transmitted even if a condom is used? Name 3 side effects that.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now… Write the answers to the following questions How are STDs spread? Which STDs can be transmitted even if a condom is used? Name 3 side effects that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now… Write the answers to the following questions How are STDs spread? Which STDs can be transmitted even if a condom is used? Name 3 side effects that STDs can cause if left untreated. Which STD is commonly referred to as the “The Clap?” What are the 4 forms of contraception?




5 Forms of Contraception 4 Forms of Contraception – Behavioral Behavioral – Barrier Barrier – Hormonal Hormonal – Surgical Surgical

6 Behavioral Methods Abstinence Withdrawal Fertility Awareness



9 ABSTINENCE Form of Contraception: – Behavioral Effectiveness: – 100% What is it? – Choosing not to engage in sexual intercourse or sex “play” Advantages: – Only 100% preventative measure against PREGNANCY and STDs


11 WITHDRAWAL Form of Contraception: – Behavioral Effectiveness: – 81% What is it? – Withdrawing the penis before ejaculation occurs Disadvantages: – Pre-ejaculate material contains sperm – No protection against STDs



14 Fertility Awareness – “Calendar Method” Form: – Behavioral Effectiveness: – 75% What is it? – Selecting specific days to have sexual intercourse based on the woman’s menstrual cycle/day of ovulation. Disadvantages: – Menstrual cycles may vary – Not a spontaneous form of contraception

15 Barrier Methods Male Condom Female Condom Spermicidal Foam/Jelly Sponge Diaphragm & Cervical Cap


17 MALE CONDOM Form: – Barrier, OTC (Over The Counter) Effectiveness: – 85-98% What is it? – Rubber/latex sheath placed over the penis to collect pre-ejaculate material and semen upon ejaculation. Advantages: – Provides protection against STDs Disadvantages: – Incorrect use – Latex allergies

18 How do you put one of these things on?



21 FEMALE CONDOM Form: – Barrier Effectiveness: – 79% What is it? – Fits deep into the vagina, ring holds it in place, blocks sperm from entering the vagina. Advantages: – Provide protection against STDs Disadvantages: – Difficult to use – Hard to keep in place – Known to be noisy

22 How do you put one of these things in?

23 Spermicide (Foam/Jelly) Form: – Barrier Effectiveness: – 74% What is it? – Injected into the vagina before sexual intercourse to immobilize sperm and block them from entering the uterus. Disadvantages: – No protection against STDs – Messy – Have to use each intercourse act – Should be used with other forms of contraception (condom, diaphragm)

24 How do you use this stuff?




28 SPONGE Form: – Barrier Effectiveness – 80% What is it? – Placed deep into the vagina to block the cervical opening; also contains spermicide. Disadvantage: – hard to insert – No protection against STD’s….

29 Diaphragm



32 Cervical Cap

33 DIAPHRAGM & CERVICAL CAP Form: – Barrier (Prescription) Effective – 80% What is it? – Dome-shaped cup with flexible rim; placed deep into vagina to cover cervix – Fitted by a doctor Advantages: – Can be implanted for up to 24 hours/48 hours Disadvantages – Difficult to insert – Moves around during sexual intercourse – No protection against STD’s….







40 Hormonal Methods Birth Control Pill The Patch Vaginal Ring The Shot Emergency Contraception IUD Implant


42 BIRTH CONTROL PILL Form: – Hormonal Effectiveness: – 95-99% What is it? – Prevents ovulation – Thicken cervical mucous to prevent sperm from passing through to uterus – Thins uterine wall to not allow implantation to occur. Advantages: – Period regularity – Decreased cramps Disadvantages: – No protection against STDs – Must take at the same time every day. – Possible weight gain.


44 How does this things work?

45 THE PATCH Form: – Hormonal Effectiveness: – 92-99% What is it? Each patch in place for one week; one week without patch – menstruation. – Release hormones through the skin. Prevents ovulation Thicken cervical mucous to prevent sperm from passing through to uterus Thins uterine wall to not allow implantation to occur. Advantages: – Visual reminder that you are using birth control – No need for daily maintenance, good for a week Disadvantages: – No protection from STDs – Similar to THE PILL

46 How does this patch thingy work? Video on The Patch



49 VAGINAL RING/NUVA-RING Form: – Hormonal Effectiveness: – 92%-99% What is it? – Small, flexible ring that releases hormones – In vagina for 3 weeks; removed for 1 week – menstruation Prevents ovulation Thicken cervical mucous to prevent sperm from passing through to uterus Thins uterine wall to not allow implantation to occur. Advantages: – Menstrual Regularity Disadvantages: – No protection against STDs – Irregular bleeding


51 THE SHOT/DEPO-PROVERA Form: – Hormonal Effective: – 99% What is it? – Shot will last for 3 months Prevents ovulation Thicken cervical mucous to prevent sperm from passing through to uterus Thins uterine wall to not allow implantation to occur. Advantages: – No maintenance – Decreased cramping Disadvantages: – Does not protect against STDs – Takes 12-18 weeks for the shot to “wear off”



54 EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION – “THE MORNING AFTER PILL”/PLAN B Form: – Hormonal Effectiveness: – 80-86% What is it? – Must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse – Large dose of progestin and estrogen – Over the counter for 17 years old + – Prevent ovulation if it has not already occurred – Thicken mucous in cervix and thins the wall of the uterus to prevent implantation if an egg has already been fertilized. Disadvantages: – Does not protect against STDs




58 INTRA-UNTERINE DEVICE (IUD) Form: – Barrier/Device/Hormonal Effectiveness: – 98%-99% What is it? – Affects the mobility of the sperm – Thickens cervical mucous; thins the lining of the uterus. – Can be in place for 3-7 years. Disadvantages: – cramping, bleeding between menstrual cycles, No protection against STD’s.

59 What’s the deal with this IUD thing? How does an IUD work?


61 BIRTH CONTROL IMPLANT – IMPLANON, NORPLANT Form: – Hormonal Effectiveness: – 99% What is it? – Hormonal regulation stick implanted into the upper arm that helps to prevent pregnancy Disadvantages: – No protection against STDs – Periodical spotting Advantages: – Lasts for 3 years/5 years – After removal pregnancy is possible quickly

62 Surgical Methods Tubal Sterilization Vasectomy

63 FEMALE STERILIZATION – Tubal Ligation Form: – Surgical Procedure Effectiveness: – 99.5% What is it? – Tying off of the fallopian tubes so the sperm can not reach the egg Disadvantages: – Does not prevent STDs – PERMANENT!!* Advantages: – PERMANENT! – Does not decrease sexual desire



66 VASECTOMY Form: – Surgical Procedure (“lunch time” surgery) Effectiveness: – 99% What is it? – Blocks the vas deferens to keep the sperm out of the semen Disadvantage: – PERMANENT* Advantages: – Permanent – Does not decrease sexual desire



69 Wanna watch? What happens with a Vasectomy

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