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C3 Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy Understand organizations to build/use IS Use Porter’s model and IS for strategy Value chain and value.

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Presentation on theme: "C3 Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy Understand organizations to build/use IS Use Porter’s model and IS for strategy Value chain and value."— Presentation transcript:

1 C3 Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy Understand organizations to build/use IS Use Porter’s model and IS for strategy Value chain and value web to identify opportunities IS to use synergies, core competencies, and network-based strategies Challenges posed by IS

2 AT&T Vs. Verizon | Grameen Phone Vs. XXX? Competitive Advantage Vs. Technology!

3 IS and the Org. influences each other Benefit from new technologies! IT changes Org. rights, responsibilities who owns information who has access to and can update information who makes decisions about whom, what, when and how

4 Understanding Organizations Features Routines and business processes Organizational politics Organizational culture Organizational environments Organizational structure Difference Size and types –large, small firms Environments –government, competitors, customers, financial institutions Organizational culture –set of fundamental assumptions about what products organization should produce how they might be changed or replaced by using IT to achieve greater efficiency



7 3-11 IS Impact Economic impacts –Transaction costs, agency costs Organizational and behavioural impacts –IT flattens organizations Post-industrial organizations Organizational resistance to change The Internet and organizations –Implications for the design and understanding of information systems

8 3-13 as transaction costs decrease, firm size shrink More and more effort supervising and managing employees IT Makes an Organization Flat! Balance all 4! Organizational Resistance cultural assumptions strains on culture, politics and people

9 Businesses are rapidly rebuilding some of their key business processes based on Internet technology and making this technology a key component of their IT infrastructures. Internet changed IS Impact Of The Internet On Competitive Forces And Industry Structure

10 IS for Competitive Advantage Porter’s competitive forces model

11 Four Basic Competitive Strategies Porter’s Competitive Forces Model Traditional competitors New market entrants Substitute products and services Customers Suppliers

12 3-19 Value chain model highlights specific activities in the business where competitive strategies can best be applied.

13 Figure 3-13 3-25 The value web The value web is a networked system that can synchronize the value chains of business partners within an industry to respond rapidly to changes in supply and demand. Develop industry-wide standards for exchanging information or business transactions electronically

14 3-26 IS for Competitive Advantage … Synergies –Mergers! Enhancing core competencies –P&Gs InnovationNet (a KMS) Network-based strategies –Network Economics The social network effect! –Virtual Company Model Hong Kong-based Li & Fung –Business Ecosystems: Keystone and Niche Firms

15 The digital firm era requires a more dynamic view of the boundaries among industries, firms, customers and suppliers with competition occurring among industry sets in a business ecosystem. In the ecosystem model, multiple industries work together to deliver value to the customer.IT plays an important role in enabling a dense network of interactions among the participating firms.

16 Management Issues Sustaining Competitive Advantage Aligning IT With Business Objectives Management Checklist –Details in the textbook Managing Strategic Transitions

17 IS and business strategy Business a single firm producing a set of related products and services Firm a collection of businesses that make up a single, multidivisional firm Industry a collection of firms that make up an industrial environment or ecosystem Firm Level Strategy firm as collection of businesses IT to improve each business unit synergies core competencies Industry Level Strategy firms together --> industry information partnerships: eg Air Canada, CIBC (Aeroplan)

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20 IT resistance New technology puts strains on culture, politics and people if IT change threatens commonly held --> resistance

21 Figure 3-5 3-11

22 Implications For The Design And Understanding Of Information Systems The environment in which the organization must function The structure of the organization: hierarchy, specialization, routines, and business processes The organization’s culture and politics The type of organization and its style of leadership The principal interest groups affected by the system and the attitudes of workers who will be using the system The kinds of tasks, decisions, and business processes that the information system is designed to assist

23 Characteristics of IT They are flexible and provide many options for handling data and evaluating information They are capable of supporting a variety of management styles, skills, and knowledge They are sensitive to the organization’s bureaucratic and political requirements Keep in mind when designing systems:

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