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Children and Young People Dr. Margaret Somerville Director of Public Health and Elaine Garman Public Health Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Children and Young People Dr. Margaret Somerville Director of Public Health and Elaine Garman Public Health Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children and Young People Dr. Margaret Somerville Director of Public Health and Elaine Garman Public Health Specialist

2 Population Changes Children and young people under the age of 18 years comprise 19% of the NHS Highland population Fewer children live in poverty in Highland compared to Scotland, but 39% live in remote or very remote areas

3 Children’s and Young People’s Health 4-5% babies born each year have a low birth weight (<2500g) with a clear socio-economic gradient High uptake of childhood immunisations except for MMR Hospitalisation rates for unintentional injuries (0-14 years) lower than for Scotland, but not reducing Hospitalisation rates for alcohol-related diagnoses (0-19 years) falling, but still much higher than for Scotland Few deaths, main causes accidents

4 Early Years Intervention to give children the best start in life is the most effective way to prevent problems in later life – Early Years Collaborative – UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative and breast-feeding – Healthy Start – 27-30 month health review

5 School Years Physical Activity – Fewer girls meet target of 60 minutes physical activity a day then boys, especially in teenage years Healthy Weight Interventions – Higher rates of overweight and obese children in Highland compared to Scotland, not reducing, currently 24% P1 children – High 5 programme Tobacco Control – Smoking rates for 13 and 15 year olds reducing over time

6 Adolescence Both national and local surveys record a diminishing proportion of 13 and 15 year olds reporting alcohol and drug use Long-term reduction in teenage pregnancy in Scotland and Highland since the 1990s Sexual health services

7 Transition to Adulthood Over 90% school-leavers in a positive destination – higher than Scotland – Women more likely than men to be in a positive destination – Strong socio-economic gradient Support available – Activity agreements – Employability Pipeline – Risk Matrix

8 Looked-After Children and Young People Health status, risk-taking behaviour and achievement of LACYP poorer than other children’s Access to services an issue, particularly with frequent placement moves

9 Long-Term Conditions 46 children meet definition of exceptional needs across NHS Highland – far more than predicted – and need complex care packages Management of diabetes improving e.g. in Argyll & Bute we now have 12 children on insulin pumps which is likely to improve the health outcomes for these children with Type 1 diabetes

10 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

11 Consulting Young People Highland Youth Voice – Feedback incorporated into For Highland’s Children 4 Argyll and Bute’s Integrated Children’s Services Plan incorporates extensive feedback from young people

12 Recommendations Children’s services commissioning and information requirements Support for Early Years Collaborative Corporate Parenting role Addressing health needs of LACYP Coordination of service provision for children with complex care needs Planning for transition to adult services

13 Specifics from Children & Young People’s Health & Wellbeing Profile (2013) Population of young people decreasing. Who will work here in the future? Measures of child poverty, income deprivation and overall deprivation indicate Bute & Cowal is likely to have the greatest need for services The impact on health may be reflected in higher rates of obesity and lower life expectancy

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