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RE-TEACH AND RE-TEST 10/31/14 The Design Process and Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "RE-TEACH AND RE-TEST 10/31/14 The Design Process and Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 RE-TEACH AND RE-TEST 10/31/14 The Design Process and Vocabulary

2 VOCAB. WARM-UP WITHOUT YOUR NOTES TAKE 5 MIN. TO DEFINE AND LIST THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THESE THREE WORDS Define Cross a movement from one area of the stage to another. Define Counter a movement in the opposite direction to adjust for another actors cross. Define Blocking The planned movements that an actor does on stage.

3 SCENIC/SET DESIGNER WITHOUT YOUR NOTES Scenic Designer – The scenic designer is responsible for the visual, appearance and function of the scenic and property elements used in the production. The scenic designer produces colored sketches and rendering of the set and properties. The Process Read the play Production Meeting Research Ground plan Color Elevation 2D Sketches 3D Models

4 ACTIVITY Break into Groups of 4-5 Each group will have 6 min. to create 3 possible test questions. Questions may be multiple choice, true/false, full in the blank, etc. After time have expired groups will switch questions with another group. Each group member is responsible for answering all questions created by the other group, you will have 6 min. to write the questions and answer in your journal.

5 EXIT QUESTIONS Answer the below questions The planned movements that an actor does on stage is? a movement from one area of the stage to another is? a movement in the opposite direction to adjust for another actors cross is?

6 HAND BACK TEST Throughout the week we will be re-teaching the Vocabulary and the four design processes. We expect you to use this information to correct your test. If you turn in your fully corrected(100%)test it will count as a 10 point bonus on your re-test. Re-test will be Friday 10/31/14. Corrected test must be turned in when you re- test or you will forfeit the bonus.

7 MISSING AND INCOMPLETE ASSIGNMENTS If you have missing or incomplete assignments you only have 10 days from its original due date to complete or re-do the assignment.

8 VOCAB WARM-UP TAKE 5 MIN. TO DEFINE AND EXPLAIN THE BELOW WORDS Define: Cue The line spoken just before your line, or the signal for you to enter a scene. Define: Picking up Cues Reducing the amount of time between actors saying lines. Define: 4 th Wall The imaginary wall that exist between you and the audience.

9 LIGHTING DESIGNER Lighting Designer Lighting Designers are responsible for setting the mood of the play using lights and special effects, thus they must have an excellent command of color theory. The Process Read the Play Production Meeting Watch a Rehearsal Making the Cue list Drawing the Lighting Plan Lighting Rig Lighting Focus Lighting Plot

10 ACTIVITY Break into Groups of 4-5 Each group will have 6 min. to create 3 possible test questions. Questions may be multiple choice, true/false, full in the blank, etc. After time have expired groups will switch questions with another group. Each group member is responsible for answering all questions created by the other group, you will have 6 min. to write the questions and answer in your journal.

11 EXIT QUESTIONS YOU MUST RE-WRITE THE QUESTION AND ANY FALSE STATEMENTS SO THEY BECOME TRUE True or False: Picking up Cues is the imaginary wall that exist between you and the audience. True or False: Cue is reducing the amount of time between actors saying lines. True or False: Picking up Cues is the line spoken just before your line, or the signal for you to enter a scene.

12 RE-CAP ABOUT RE-TEST Corrected Test is due on the date of re-test to receive a bonus 10 points on your re-test.

13 VOCAB WARM-UP TAKE 4 MIN. TO DEFINE AND EXPLAIN THE BELOW WORDS Define: Set-up Putting together the set or scene so actors can perform. Define: Strike Taking down all set and scenery and putting them away.

14 COSTUME DESIGNERS Costume Designers To be effective the costume design must reflect the production design’s team agreed on interpretation, exhibit a unity of style among all the costume designs, and provide a visual reflection of the personality and nature of a specific character. You must also have an excellent command of color theory, and plan out everything each actor/actress wears throughout the entire show including jewelry. The Process Read the play Production Meeting Research Sketches/renderings Swatches

15 ACTIVITY Break into Groups of 4-5 Each group will have 6 min. to create 3 possible test questions. Questions may be multiple choice, true/false, full in the blank, etc. After time have expired groups will switch questions with another group. Each group member is responsible for answering all questions created by the other group, you will have 6 min. to write the questions and answer in your journal.

16 EXIT QUESTIONS Define Strike: Define Set-up:

17 VOCAB WARM-UP TAKE 5 MIN. TO DEFINE AND EXPLAIN THE BELOW WORDS Improv. To speak or act with out a script. Pantomime To tell a story or act without props or words

18 MAKE-UP ARTIST Make-up artists Use stage make-up to help the actor create a more believable character. They also must make sure that they correct any deformities an actor has. They key the make-up for the entire show. Since stage lights can make the skin look ashy and pale it is important that all actors on stage wear make-up to provide a skin color that will enhance the actors appearance. The Process Read the play Productions Meetings Research Face Charts Building Prosthetics

19 ACTIVITY Break into Groups of 4-5 Each group will have 6 min. to create 4 possible test questions. Must have one questions from each day we have talked about in class. Questions may be multiple choice, true/false, full in the blank, etc. After time have expired groups will switch questions with another group. Each group member is responsible for answering all questions created by the other group, you will have 6 min. to write the questions and answer in your journal.

20 EXIT QUESTION Improv is the act of _______ or acting with out a ________. Pantomime is the act of ________ a story or acting without props or __________. How do these words differ from each other?


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