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Common Logical Fallacies

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Presentation on theme: "Common Logical Fallacies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Logical Fallacies
Thou Shalt Not Commit Logical Fallacies

2 What is a logical fallacy?
A logical fallacy is an inaccurate or misleading application of logic. It is important to be able to recognize logical fallacies to avoid being exploited or swindled by writers or speakers who want your money, your voice, or your vote. It is also important to avoid using logical fallacies in your own argumentation, because honesty is an essential quality of effective persuasion.

3 As you watch the video (Beginning to 7:40), record the speakers’ explanation of each common fallacy and his example on your note sheet.

4 After you finish up your notes, read through each fallacy on the handout and discuss each fallacy with your classmates. Whenever possible, provide additional examples of the fallacies to add to the margins of you notes.

5 https://www. youtube. com/watch
Discuss with your classmates: What examples of fallacies do you see in this video? How was their reasoning unsound?

6 Fallacies are constantly used in commercials…
Discuss with your classmates: What fallacy do you see in this video? How was their reasoning unsound?

7 Fallacies are constantly used in commercials…
Discuss with your classmates: What fallacy do you see in this video? How was their reasoning unsound?

8 Read through the sample fallacies on the “Monty Python and the Quest for the Perfect Fallacy” worksheet. (1) Identify the fallacy; then, (2) analyze why the argument is fallacious. Record your answers on the worksheet.

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