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Drush: The Drupal Shell Utility Trevor Mckeown Founder & Owner Sublime Technologies

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Presentation on theme: "Drush: The Drupal Shell Utility Trevor Mckeown Founder & Owner Sublime Technologies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Drush: The Drupal Shell Utility Trevor Mckeown Founder & Owner Sublime Technologies

2 What is Drush? What is Drush? Drush Stands for Drupal Shell What is a shell? Not something found at the sea. Also interchangeable with the term command prompt It’s a way to interact with Drupal via the command prompt

3 Running Scripts via the Command Prompt Drush is just a php script that you run on the command prompt Many languages you can run on the command prompt Examples: Ruby, php, perl, python, and of course bash it’s self Small Demo

4 Drush Installation Download Drush Place it somewhere you will remember Symbolic link drush to an path in your $PATH variable Change directory into a drupal base directory If settings.php is in sites/defaults directory your all set otherwise use the –l and –r options

5 Drush Configuration Files See examples directory under the root drush directory drushrc.php file for setting common options like -l or -r or many more options. See example.drushrc.php aliases.drushrc.php or similar file for setting up aliases like @prod @dev @staging. See example.aliases.drushrc.php

6 Drush configuration files continued … drush.ini for over riding php.ini An example.bashrc file Something about sandwiches A sample command for writing your own commands

7 What can Drush do from me? A lot.. Scripting out deployments including rsync Database management Backing up the site and database User management: add, block, and assign roles to users Site management: clear cache, run cron, run database updates, install drupal (D7)

8 What can Drush do for me? Many modules extend Drush and add additional commands Features Views Devel Drush Make Node Export Many more!


10 Thank You! Comments, Questions, Concerns Trevor Mckeown

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