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Expressions, Equations, & Functions Linear EquationsLinear FunctionsLinear Functions and Relations Linear Inequalities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14.

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Presentation on theme: "Expressions, Equations, & Functions Linear EquationsLinear FunctionsLinear Functions and Relations Linear Inequalities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expressions, Equations, & Functions Linear EquationsLinear FunctionsLinear Functions and Relations Linear Inequalities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

2 B 100 Simplify.

3 B 200 Tulip bulbs cost $.75 each plus $3.00 for shipping an entire order. You have $14. Write an equation to describe the total cost of the bulbs that you order.

4 B 300 Solve the equation: 20 – 5x = -7 – 3(x – 5)

5 B 400 Identify the independent and dependent variables: Increasing the temperature of a compound inside a sealed container increases the pressure inside a sealed container.

6 B 500 Identify the the property used in each equation: a + b = b + a 24 + (25 + 26) = (24 + 25) + 26 5 + (-5) = 0

7 I 100 Simplify:

8 I 200 Solve for y when x equals 9.

9 I 300 Solve.

10 I 400 Find the domain and the range given the following set of ordered pairs: {(4,-3), (1,3), (7,-2), (2,-2), (1,5)}

11 I 500 Draw a graph to represent the height of a bungee jumper.

12 N 100 The larger of two consecutive integers is the same as 5 less than three times the smaller. Find the integers.

13 N 200 Find three consecutive even integers whose sum is 54. Define the variables and use the five step plan.

14 N 300 Find the value of n that makes the following equation true.

15 N 400 A Nintendo Wii costs $200.00 retail. A warehouse outlet discounts the price by 15%. What is the final price?

16 N 500 I bought a new TV for $350 and paid 5% sales tax. How much did I pay in all?

17 G 100 Express each number in standard notation.

18 G 200 Substitute x = 9 into the following equation.

19 G 300 Graph the following inequatlities on a number line.

20 G 400 Simplify:

21 G 500 Solve for the given variable.

22 O 100 Determine if the measurements would form a right triangle. a. 8, 17, 15b. 15, 20, 25

23 O 200 Find the measure of.

24 O 300 Describe the angle relationships of 1.

25 O 400 Find the measure of angle B. 1.

26 O 500 Oscar's dog house is shaped like a tent. The slanted sides are both 12 feet long and the bottom of the house is 16 feet across. What is the height of his dog house at its tallest point, in feet estimated to the nearest tenth?


28 Final Question A baker has cookies worth $0.95 per pound and cookies worth $1.70 per pound. How many pounds of each kind must he use to produce a 45 pound mixture to sell for $1.25 a pound?

29 Bingo

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