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Chiara De Meijer. 1.First of all the cold water goes through a tube and than pumps up to the Solar Collector 2.Secondly the sun heats the solar collector,

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Presentation on theme: "Chiara De Meijer. 1.First of all the cold water goes through a tube and than pumps up to the Solar Collector 2.Secondly the sun heats the solar collector,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chiara De Meijer

2 1.First of all the cold water goes through a tube and than pumps up to the Solar Collector 2.Secondly the sun heats the solar collector, this means it heats up the cold water in the tube. 3.Thirdly the hot water goes to the tank. If there is a time in the year that the sun does not heat the solar collector, there is a backup which is the boiler. 4.The water in the tank goes to our taps.

3 1.You put the solar panels on top of you roof. 2.Secondly the heat will be converted into electric power. 3.The electric power will go into your house. 4.Afterwards the electric power will go to a Existing Electrical panel. This existing electrical panel distributes the electric power to the whole house. A normal solar panel This a recycled solar panel

4 Costs and payback periods assuming a household electricity savings of 140 KW/month due to SWH (using 2010 data) CountryCurrency System cost Subsidy % Effective cost Electricity cost/KW Electricity savings/m onth Payback period(y) Australia$Aus5000 [49] [49] 40 [50] [50] 30000.18 [51] [51] 259.9 Belgium Euro4000 [52] [52] 50 [53] [53] 20000.1 [54] [54] 1411.9 Brazil Real2500 [55] [55] 025000.25356.0 South AfricaSouth Africa ZA Rand1400015 [56] [56] 119000.91267.9 United KingdomUnited Kingdom UK Pound 4000 [57] [57] 10 [58] [58] 36000.11 [59] [59] 15.419.4 United StatesUnited States US$5000 [60] [60] 30 [61] [61] 35000.10 [60] [60] 1420.8 Australia:4,546.62 USD Belgium:5,235.22 USD Brazil: 1,411.22 USD South Africa: 1,917.10 USD United Kingdom: 6,241.78 USD United States: 5000 USD

5 The solar Heat is only reliable if you place the solar heat in a sunny area. If you place it in a cold area just like the coast, the solar heater would not work and it would not be very reliable. The most world usage is in Australia and Africa. This is where its is very hot and there is a lot of sun. In the other places in the world they may use other types of energy sources

6 The solar Heat has a very good effect on the environment. It saves a lot of energy and there is almost no deforestation involved. It not only helps the environment but it also saves you a lot of money.

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