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Imposing Liberalism To what extend, and for whom, has the imposition of Liberalism been successful? Analyse perspectives on the imposition of the principles.

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Presentation on theme: "Imposing Liberalism To what extend, and for whom, has the imposition of Liberalism been successful? Analyse perspectives on the imposition of the principles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imposing Liberalism To what extend, and for whom, has the imposition of Liberalism been successful? Analyse perspectives on the imposition of the principles of liberalism on people / groups in Canada and the world through liberal foreign policy.

2 To what extent has the imposition of liberalism affected aboriginal groups in Canada? Conflicting Ideologies Conflicting Land- Holding Ideologies Attempts at Assimilation Enfranchisement Indian Act White Paper Red Paper Contemporary Solutions Land claims Royal Commission

3 Conflicting Ideologies Humans Animals Plants Non-animate beings land Land Non-animate beings Plants Animals Humans Classical Liberalism Perspective First Nations Perspective

4 Conflicting Ideologies First Nations  Peoples place in the world – equal with other living things. Colonial European Gov. (classical liberalism)  Peoples place in the world - dominant overall living. Different philosophies (ideology) towards spiritual and societal beliefs created misunderstanding on issues of land ownership, progress, and change

5 Conflicting Ideologies

6  Aboriginal communities did not believe that they “owned the land” more spiritual and holistic interpretation of living on the land  Europeans would have wanted to buy, own and divide up the land  Foreign concept for aboriginal people’s, private property, more communal of resources, stewardship of the land Conflicting Land-Holding Ideologies Read page 307 – 308 to assimilation

7  Eurocentrism - perceived cultural superiority  Reliance on the value of written rules for government, citizens rights and trade  Cultural beliefs that differed from aboriginals.  Classical liberalist view - believed in private property defended by John Locke. Root causes of the attitude that the Europeans brought to treaty negotiations?

8  Misunderstanding of terms of the treaties lead to a need for legal proceedings to interpret them.  Beliefs about the sovereignty of First Nations are not a question today – protection in the Charter of Rights.  Ethical consideration of fairness and equality are valued by Canadians.  First Nations are looked at differently today than in 19 th century – entitled to same rights, responsibilities, freedoms, and private property as others.  Modern perspective on negotiations between First Nations and Canadian government are distinct from previous views. Causes of a large number of land claims Differences in understandings of historical agreements between first Nations and the Canadian government



11 Voluntary Enfranchisement  Give up official Indian status Compulsory enfranchisement  University degree  Doctor  Lawyer  Religious minister  Women married a non-Aboriginal man  Vote in federal election  Join the Armed Forces


13 The White Paper 1968 vs. The Red Paper Read pages 310 -312 and additional reading note reasoning behind each policy and each sides views White Paper TrudeauRed Paper National Indian Brotherhood

14 Major concerns by first nations  Land claims  Fulfillment of treaty rights  Acting on the Royal Commission on Aboriginal peoples Read pages 312-314 and complete the handout “Contemporary solutions”

15 Canadian Government Policy Imposing Liberalism Explanation of PolicyActions taken by Canadian Government Comments / Actions taken by first Nations, Métis, or Inuit People to Resist Each Policy Land Claims & Constitution Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples & the Healing Fund

16  Read authors point of view top of page 318  What support and drawbacks to liberalism does Parekh state?  Under what conditions is a country justifying the imposing of its political ideology on another country? Bringing Liberalism to the World

17  Self-interest:  reduce terrorist threats  Economic self-interest  Humanitarianism:  Moral / ethical reasons  Improve living conditions  Halt human rights violations

18  Imperialism– economic / eurocentrism  WWI Treaty of Versailles – democracy / self-determination / security  WWII Marshall Plan economic / security  Kuwait 1991 Gulf war / economic / violation of Kuwaiti territorial integrity  1998 Iraq Liberation Act "to establish a program to support a transition to democracy in Iraq." in response to the non- compliance to inspection nuclear weapons  2001 Oct. 7 th Afghanistan Invasion “Operation Enduring Freedom “War on Terrorism”  2003 Iraq “Operation Iraqi Freedom” Invasion weapons of mass destruction / security ExamplesImposing Liberalism self-interest Examples Imposing Liberalism self-interest

19 Read pages 319- 322 Examples & Rationales of Imposing Liberalism Self- Interest  5 Examples Humanitarianisms  3 Examples handout

20  Do you agree or disagree with the justification for foreign intervention expressed in the quote by Lynn Jones ?pg 319/20  How important do you think the “bonds of common humanity” are in forming the foreign policies of countries such as the United States and Great Britain?  Political cartoon fig. 9-11 who and what policy does the shark symbolize?  Is restricting economic activity a legitimate means of encouraging modern liberal principles in foreign countries?  How can this cartoon be used as an example of illegitimate and legitimate support of encouraging modern liberal principles in a foreign county? Imposing Liberalism handout

21  Read pg. 323 & 324 Voices and supplied reading  Which of the quotes in “Voices” do you believe is the most realistic assessment of the situation in Afghanistan?  What reasons do you have for your choice?  How do you think most Afghan citizens view the presence of foreign troops in their country?  Do you think Canada has a responsibility to protect the new democratic system in Afghanistan? If so, What limits, if any, should be placed on that responsibility? Canada’s Involvement in Afghanistan handout

22  Are there circumstances in which a country's stability and public security are more important than its citizen’s right to democratic self-determination?  Economic turmoil  natural disasters  threats from other countries  periods of violence  food and security are more important than a ballot Reactions to Foreign Liberalism

23 Robert Mugabe 1987 - Present Juvenal Habyarimana 1973 -1994 Yoweri Museveni 1986 – Present Uganda

24 Economic mismanagement, corruption, and brutal repression, illegal elections In reaction to human rights violations the Bush administration legislated the Zimbabwe Democracy Act " the situation in Zimbabwe endangers the southern African region and threatens to undermine efforts to foster good governance and respect for the rule of law throughout the continent." USA presidential spokesman Reactions by Liberalism

25 Ran the country primarily as dictator for 20 years Under pressure from the United Nations and Western Countries to establish a collation Gov. 1992 Killed in a plane crash 1994 Reactions by Liberalism

26 Supported by the west for overthrowing Idi Amin 1979 (liberalist values) Brought relative stability and economic growth to a country that has endured decades of government mismanagement, rebel activity and civil war. His tenure has also witnessed one of the most effective national responses to HIV/AIDS in Africa. Invaded the Congo (5 mil. Deaths), abolished presidential term 1/3 live in poverty Reactions by Liberalism


28  Rapid ideological shifts within a country require major social change and commitment – move towards democratic liberalism would require the individuals to embrace free and fair elections.  Elections can only be free, fair and represent the will of the people if the people are informed, open to dialogue, and receptive and tolerant of diverse views and perspectives. Democratic power grows from within a country not by imposition. Something to think about?

29 Elections, need to be effective, should not be a front for authoritarian practices, but be one aspect of democratic practice. Respect for the will of the people Responsibility of the government to rule of law Protections for individuals rights and freedoms Multi-party elections Non-violet actions by the government, and non-government organizations Foreign government reforms may exacerbate the existing friction and conflict. Ignores domestic state of affairs In order to implement Ideological change

30 Case Study Haiti’s Troubled Democracy


32 Canadian Government Policy Imposing Liberalism Explanation of PolicyActions take by first Nations, Métis, or Inuit People to Resist Each Policy Land Treaties Residential Schools Enfranchisement & Gradual Civilization Act, 1857 Indian Act 1876 White Pater, 1969 Prohibiting the Potlatch

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