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4th grade Expository, biography Social Studies- Native Americans

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1 4th grade Expository, biography Social Studies- Native Americans
Casey Pearson 4th grade Expository, biography Social Studies- Native Americans

2 Georgia Writing Assessment
5th grade students must take the writing test Consists of an evaluation of each student response to an assigned prompt assigned a topic from a prompt bank representing three genres: narrative, informational persuasive

3 Georgia Writing Assessment
Four domains of writing are evaluated Ideas Organization Style Conventions

4 Preparing for the Writing Test
Important to prepare students for the test Have students write regularly Have students write on the three topics Should be familiar with the guidelines of the writing test Try to use the released prompts for practice Most writing should be done based on the test

5 Pre-assessment Helps teacher understand the level of each student
Gain teaching points Learn students strengths and weakness Students are given a few prompts Teacher able to see difference in writing before unit and after unit Encourage students to use what they know about the writing process

6 What is expository writing?
Informational writing Students write information about a specific topic Should be meaningful, easy to read, and accurate Ex: newspaper reports, biographies, reports…etc

7 Prewriting 1st stage of writing The planning stage
Use graphic organizer to help students plan their writing Graphic organizer structured as Introduction Body conclusion

8 Prewriting- grouping Group students in several ways, each class has its own needs Group according to level- helps teacher target specific students easily Group randomly- have higher level and lower level students together – Better if peers need to help each other

9 Prewriting- grouping Group according to development, cultural, linguistic background Development- where the students are currently functioning Cultural- some background may make a difference in writing . Linguistic- some oral language difficulties also have difference in writing

10 Prewriting- instructional procedures
Teach the stage Explain the stage, purpose, audience, function Should model own writing- own graphic organizer Point out specific items you want students to notice ex: incomplete sentences on graphic organizer Should have class practice – whole class complete graphic organizer Discuss topics, points the students may have trouble with… etc

11 Prewriting- assessment
Students will complete an independent practice Will complete their own graphic organizer Teacher will conference with individuals Students should use checklist to help remember the guidelines Teacher will use rubric to score students

12 Prewriting- Checklist
My name is written by Author of Story My story has a title My story is about a famous Native American I have given the basic information about the person I am writing about. I have given information about the tribe of the famous Native American. I have included at least three major life events.

13 Prewriting - Checklist
I have included at least three supporting details for each major life event. I have included information about the Native American’s death. I have stated why the Native American I am writing about was famous. I have done research and all of the information included on my graphic organizer is factual.

14 Prewriting- Rubric

15 Prewriting- rubric

16 Accommodations/ modifications development
learning disabilities, emotional behavior disorders, and other health impairments grouped according to their level Students will be closely monitored Teacher will provide scaffolding If needed break the graphic organizer down into smaller sections give the students more key words

17 Accommodations/modifications- linguistic & cultural backgrounds
Students who receive speech services are grouped Grouped in two different groups The two Hispanic students have been grouped together both students will be receiving much of the same instruction.

18 Drafting 2nd stage of writing process
Write graphic organizer in complete repentances “sloppy copy” of paper Main point- Basic skeleton of story

19 Drafting – instructional procedures
Teach the stage Explain the stage Should model own writing- own revisions stage Point out specific items you want students to notice ex: skipping lines Should have class practice – whole class revises story Discuss topics, points the students may have trouble with… etc

20 Drafting –assessment Students will complete an independent practice
Will write their own draft Teacher will conference with individuals Students should use checklist to help remember the guidelines Teacher will use rubric to score students

21 Drafting- Checklist I used most of the information from my graphic organizer. My story has a title. My story is about a famous Native American. I used the word I throughout my story. I skipped lines I did not worry about mechanics, spelling, or other grammar.

22 Drafting- Checklist I have used complete sentences.
I have an introduction which includes information about the birth of the Famous Native American, and information about his/her tribe. I have included all three events and their supporting detail in the body of my story. My conclusion sums up my story.

23 Drafting Checklist The reason why the person is famous is stated in my conclusion. The conclusion contains information about the person’s death. My story flows and stays on the same topic.

24 Drafting Rubric

25 Drafting Rubric

26 Drafting Rubric

27 Revision 3rd stage of writing process Writer refines ideas and content
Four types of changes to be made Additions- words, phrases, dialogue Substitutions- words, phrases Deletions- unnecessary information Moves- Move sentences to make more sense

28 Revision – instructional procedures
Teach the stage Explain the stage Should model own writing- Own revising stage Point out specific items you want students to notice ex: adding dialogue Should have class practice – whole class revises draft Discuss topics, points the students may have trouble with… etc

29 Revision – Assessment Students will complete an independent practice
Will revise own draft Teacher will conference with individuals Students should use checklist to help remember the guidelines Teacher will use rubric to score students

30 Revision - Checklist My story is at least a page and half long.
If my story is too short I completed an activity to make it longer. I added description into my story. I removed words or sentences that did not make sense. I rearranged words, sentences, or paragraphs to make my writing better.

31 Revision - Checklist I took made changes to my story with the help of my partner and my teacher. I gave advice to my partner. I asked my partner questions about my own story. I used a different color pen when I was making changes.

32 Revision Rubric

33 Revision Rubric

34 Revision Rubric

35 Editing 4th stage of writing process Proofreading
Look for grammatical errors, misspelled words Read word by word Read end to start Use proofreader marks

36 Editing – instructional procedures
Teach the stage Explain the stage Should model own writing- Own editing stage Point out specific grammatical errors you want students to notice ex: subject verb agreement Should have class practice – whole class edits revision stage together Discuss topics, points the students may have trouble with… etc

37 Editing – Assessment Students will complete an independent practice
Will revise own revision stage Teacher will conference with individuals Students should use checklist to help remember the guidelines Teacher will use rubric to score students

38 Proofreader marks Proof reader marks. Retrieved May 28, 2007, from the Website:

39 Editing - Checklist I corrected all mechanical errors.
I used all words appropriately. I made sure all words were spelled correctly. I used a variety of sentence types.

40 Editing - Checklist I used correct proofreader marks when I made changes. I used a different color pen to make editing marks.

41 Editing Rubric

42 Editing Rubric

43 Publishing 5th & last stage of writing process Writing comes to life
Put writing in final form “perfect copy” All changes from revision and editing should be made in published piece Rewrite story in best handwriting

44 Publishing – instructional procedures
Teach the stage Explain the stage Should model own writing- Own publishing stage Point out specific items you want students to notice ex: good handwriting Should have class practice – whole class publishes class story Discuss topics, points the students may have trouble with… etc

45 Publishing – Assessment
Students will complete an independent practice Re-write one writing piece Teacher will conference with individuals Students should use checklist to help remember the guidelines Teacher will use rubric to score students

46 Publishing - Checklist
I made all changes from the revising and editing stages. My handwriting is neat and legible. I have made sure all spelling is correct. I have used the correct punctuation in all of my sentences.

47 Publishing - Checklist
I have used correct capitalization. (Proper nouns and beginning of sentences) I have used complete sentences. I have used at least five paragraphs, including an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion

48 Publishing Rubric

49 Publishing Rubric

50 Publishing Rubric

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