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THE FLEXIBLE CONSTITUTION Mr. P’s Class Flexible Constitution YELLOW on the left RED on the right NO GREEN.

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3 Flexible Constitution YELLOW on the left RED on the right NO GREEN

4 Flexible Constitution Why is the U.S. Constitution called "elastic" or "flexible"? Give specific evidence of how those terms are appropriate. KEY QUESTION

5 Flexible Constitution 1787- the Founding Fathers knew that they couldn’t predict how our country would grow and change.


7 Flexible Constitution The Constitution - plan for government (sometimes the plan has to change). - a “living document”, because it can be changed.

8 Flexible Constitution In 1787 there were only 13 states & 4 million people. Today, there are 50 states and 340 million people, and the Constitution still works.

9 Flexible Constitution

10 DELEGATES (elected representatives) AMEND (change) Delegates at the Constitutional Convention made it possible to amend the Constitution.

11 A message to Mr. P’s neighbor

12 Flexible Constitution 3 WAYS TO CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION:

13 changing the constitution 1) The Amendment Process – A written change to the Constitution.

14 changing the constitution 3 WAYS TO CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION: 2) INTERPRETATION (understanding the meaning or intent) of the Constitution – A new way of looking at the existing words.

15 changing the constitution 3 WAYS TO CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION: 3) Custom – Doing something a certain way because of tradition.

16 The Amendment Process -Article 5 explains how to amend the Constitution. -27 amendments have been passed since 1787. Only 17 since 1789. 1) AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION

17 The Amendment Process THIS IS NOT AN EASY PROCESS. Congress, and ¾ of the states must approve (vote for) the amendment. 1) AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION

18 The Amendment Process 1) PROPOSING THE AMENDMENT: There are two methods: OR AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION a) 2/3 of both houses of Congress must vote “yes”. Then it goes to the states (see number 2, “Ratifying the Amendment”).

19 The Amendment Process 1) PROPOSING THE AMENDMENT: There are two methods: b) 2/3 of the state legislatures must ask for a Constitutional Convention to propose an amendment. This is a “check” on Congress, but it has never been used successfully. AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION

20 The Amendment Process 2) RATIFYING THE AMENDMENT AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION ¾ (38) states must RATIFY (approve) the amendment. There are two ways for an amendment to be ratified:

21 The Amendment Process 2) RATIFYING THE AMENDMENT a) State legislatures must vote for the amendment. This is the most common way. b) Voters in each state elect delegates to a state convention, who must vote for the amendment. AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION

22 The Amendment Process AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION RATIFICATION - it becomes a part of the Constitution.


24 The Amendment Process REPEAL (cancel) – The only way is to pass a new amendment! AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION

25 1) AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION 1919 - 18 th Amendment “Prohibition” - outlawed the production, sale, and consumption of alcohol in the United States.

26 1933 - 21 st Amendment – repeals the 18 th Amendment.

27 Interpreting the Constitution INTERPRETING THE CONSTITUTION When Congress makes a law, they check the Constitution, and INTERPRET (figure out) if their law is okay.

28 Interpreting the Constitution INTERPRETING THE CONSTITUTION The Supreme Court will decide if Congress interpreted the law correctly.

29 Custom and tradition CUSTOM AND TRADITION Things not written down anywhere, “an unwritten rule”.

30 Custom and tradition CUSTOM AND TRADITION *part of what is called “the Unwritten Constitution”. The President’s CABINET - (a group of special advisors)

31 It is not easy, but The Constitution can be changed according to a specific set of rules. That is why it is sometimes called “THE ELASTIC CONSTITUTION”.

32 Flexible Constitution Why is the U.S. Constitution called "elastic" or "flexible"? Give evidence of how those terms are appropriate. KEY QUESTION

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