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Principles of the Constitution Republicanism. Our Purpose Understand what the principle of Republicanism means. Understand why the Founding Fathers would.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of the Constitution Republicanism. Our Purpose Understand what the principle of Republicanism means. Understand why the Founding Fathers would."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of the Constitution Republicanism

2 Our Purpose Understand what the principle of Republicanism means. Understand why the Founding Fathers would have wanted to include Republicanism in the Constitution. Prepare to analyze how this principle is reflected in the Constitution.

3 What Will You Need? Republicanism Note Sheet Pen or Pencil Remember to pause, stop or rewind as you need in order to complete your note sheet.

4 What is it? Stop the video and see if you can explain out loud what republicanism is. Don’t just read from the screen. Do you get it? If not, replay and listen again. Circle any words on your sheet that you don’t understand and look them up at if you need to.

5 Basic Understanding

6 Our country is too large for each person to have a vote on all issue. This answer is your opinion If you don’t like the way your representative represents you (i.e. the votes he/she makes) you can choose to not vote for them the next time. Additionally, if a representative breaks the law, he/she can be recalled or impeached.

7 Historical Context Think about? What is Parliament? How is it like our Congress?

8 Historical Context Parliament is England’s representative government. Our founding fathers were used to the idea of Parliament and chose to set up our Congress based in a similar way. In Parliament, though, only one house is elected by the people.

9 Think about— What do you remember about the House of Burgesses? How was that Representative Government?

10 Historical Context

11 How are colonial assemblies and the 2 nd Continental Congress early versions of Representative Government?

12 Historical Context

13 Principles in the Living Constitution

14 What’s this all about? Think about… What does something Elastic do?

15 Look at the Elastic Clause (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18) Copy the clause in the box and then summarize what it means.

16 Principle in Action The principle of Republicanism means that we have a dedicated group of people making laws for us. Let’s examine how the Constitution says these people can make laws.

17 How a Bill Becomes a Law Use pages 236-237 in the Blue Textbook or some of the videos included with this lesson to create your own drawing showing how a bill becomes a law.

18 Next Steps Draw a picture or symbol here of what republicanism means to you.

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