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God’s Ruth Good Woman Love No sinful character mentioned

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1 God’s Ruth Good Woman Love No sinful character mentioned
Biography of Ruth During the time of the Judges Men did what was right in own eyes Ruth did what was right in eyes of God

2 Family in Bethlehem Moab Elimelech and Naomi = sons Mahlon and Chilion
Famine – go to Moab Bethlehem Moab

3 Family in Moab Elimelech died Mahlon married Ruth
Chilion married Orpah Ten years later both Mahlon and Chilion died Naomi plans to return to Bethlehem

4 Orphah decides to stay in Moab
Ruth decides to go with Naomi

5 Ruth 1:16-17 (KJV) 16 And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: 17 Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the LORD do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.

6 Naomi and Ruth go to Bethlehem

7 Ruth Gleans in field of Boaz


9 Boaz asks about Ruth Invites her to work in his fields Gives her water and food

10 Naomi makes plans for the future in Ruth’s life.
She needed a husband Boaz was a good man for Ruth Plan Go to the field at night where he slept Wait until he is asleep Lay down at his feet Wait for his instruction



13 Ruth’s plan Asking Boaz to marry her Raise up children in name of deceased husband Boaz’s response Pleased Praised her - virtuous woman Will marry you But there is a nearer kinsman - he is first in line Would talk with him

14 Boaz talked with nearer kinsman
He did not want to marry Ruth Handed shoe to Boaz

15 Boaz Marries Ruth Obed David Christ

16 Life is a series of decisions
Lessons from Ruth Decisions of Destiny Had to decide whether to go or stay Gospel Invitation Felix - Acts 24:25 Saul - Acts 9 and 22 Marriage Ruth to Boaz Solomon -1 Kings 11:4-10 Moving - new job Lot - Gen. 13:11-13 Abraham Life is a series of decisions

17 Lessons from Ruth Lovely Life Industrious Grateful Kindness
Qualities that made Ruth Lovely Industrious Gleaned - Ruth 2:2 - Not Lazy We are to work - 2 Thes.3:10 Grateful Expressed to Boaz - Ruth. 2:10 Ingratitude is a common sin - 2 Tim. 3:2 Kindness Blessed by Naomi - Ruth 1:8 Blessed by Boaz - Ruth 2:11 Kindness is like a boomerang - it will return to us

18 Lessons from Ruth Lovely Life Faith in God Virtuous
Qualities that made Ruth Lovely Faith in God “Thy God shall be my God” - Ruth 1:16 Abide by God’s marriage laws - Deut. 22:5-10 Virtuous Boaz said “All the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman.” Ruth 3:11 Devoted Daughter-in_law Cared for Naomi - was loved in return Loveable despite adverse circumstances

19 Rewards of Righteousness
“The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust.” Ruth 2:12 Recompense = repay God did reward her

20 Rewards of Righteousness
Refuge Physical Needs Prov. 3:5-6 Good Husband Boaz Mother Baby boy = Obed Lineage of Christ Obed - Jesse - David --- Christ

21 God’s Ruth Good Woman Decisions of Destiny Lovely Characteristics
Rewards of the Righteous

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