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M ULTICULTURAL U NIT Ebru Demirtepe 784.1 July 20, 2009.

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2 M ULTICULTURAL U NIT Ebru Demirtepe 784.1 July 20, 2009

3 R ATIONALE This unit is one of immediate and long-term relevance to students Our multicultural unit is based on students and their lives’. We will focus on culture and how it affects them, their families and friends. Students will understand what an important attribute each of there cultures are. Students will also be able to compare their lives to the lives of their friends and lives of their elders in the family.

4 M ULTICULTURAL U NIT Lesson 1 How was Life Different Many Years Ago? Lesson 1 Summary of Lesson 1 Lesson 2 What are Some Traditional Meals Your Family Enjoys Eating? Lesson 2 Summary of Lesson 2 Lesson 3 What is a Family Tree? Lesson 3 Summary of Lesson 3

5 L ESSON 1 Students will learn about how our lives today differ from lives many years ago Students will compare their lives to the lives of the elders in their families Lesson will create an interest in various age groups and cultures Students will use a Venn Diagram to show their comparisons Venn Diagram

6 L ESSON 2 Students will discuss families from different places around the world Will understand that there are many different types of families Students will discuss some traditional dishes from different countries Students will learn how recipes are read and how important procedures are to follow in making a traditional dish Fun Recipes

7 L ESSON 3 Students will learn what a family tree consists of Students will look back into their family history Students will learn families are made up of many different people Students will compare family trees Students will able to organize their research in a uniformed manner Family TreeFamily Tree – Copy of family tree used in class

8 V IDEO & W EBQUEST Video Japanese Hand Clapping Game Webquest Where in the World Webquest

9 S TUDENT R ESOURCES Mrs. T's World- Our Wiki Cooking with Kids Multicultural Games for Children

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