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Caloric and Water Consumption Kristin Allen April Graham Mary Haythorn Jeptha Tanksley Nick Moore Charles McVay Mark Peck Dylan Martin Tracy Handley.

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Presentation on theme: "Caloric and Water Consumption Kristin Allen April Graham Mary Haythorn Jeptha Tanksley Nick Moore Charles McVay Mark Peck Dylan Martin Tracy Handley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Caloric and Water Consumption Kristin Allen April Graham Mary Haythorn Jeptha Tanksley Nick Moore Charles McVay Mark Peck Dylan Martin Tracy Handley

2 The State of Alabama has a population of….. The average American takes in calories per day. The state of Alabama consumes on average calories per day! Grenada consumes 246,125,000 calories per day! Iceland consumes 984,960,000 calories per day More than the country of Grenada

3 Person: 7.5 Double Cheeses Alabama: 34,806,296 Grenada: 559,375 Iceland: 2,238,546 Person: 1.3 Pizzas Alabama: 6,175,311 Grenada: 99,244 Iceland: 397,162 Person: 22 Twinkies Alabama: 102,098,466 Grenada: 1,640,834 Iceland: 6,566,400 McDonalds Double Cheese Large Pepperoni Pizza Hostess Twinkie People consume a large number of calories each day. The chart above illustrates the number of calories consumed relative to well known food products and their caloric content.

4 The Average person in the U.S. uses 90 gallons of water per day. That means that each person uses 32,850 gallons a year! ZOMG! So that means that all the residents in Alabama use 413,912,700 A DAY! thats 151,078,135,500 gallons a year! Hygiene: 1.Showering(30-50 gallons) 2. Shaving (5-20 gallons) 3. Brushing Teeth(2-8 gallons) 4. Flushing Toilet(5 gallons per flush) 5. Washing Hands(2 gallons) Cleaning 1. Laundry(50 gallons) 2. Dishes(15-20 gallons) 3. Household Cleaning Food Prep./ Drinking (5-10 gallons) Water Usage What does this include?

5 That’s 10 and 1/3 per day for Lake Tuscaloosa and 639 per day for the Olympic pool! That’s 10 and 1/3 per day for Lake Tuscaloosa and 639 per day for the Olympic pool! * actual volume of Lake Tuscaloosa is 325,000 ac-ft or approximately 1*10^11 gallons

6 Work Cited Pictures from

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