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Social Structure Chapter 4. Components of S.S. n Status –___________ Status –Achieved Status –Master Status –___________ –Social Stratification.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Structure Chapter 4. Components of S.S. n Status –___________ Status –Achieved Status –Master Status –___________ –Social Stratification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Structure Chapter 4

2 Components of S.S. n Status –___________ Status –Achieved Status –Master Status –___________ –Social Stratification

3 Components of S.S. n Social Roles –Role complex –Reciprocal Roles –Role ____________ vs. Role __________ –Role Conflict / Role Strain n Social Institutions

4 Types of Societies Lenski: Sociocultural Evolution Model based on subsistence strategy n Pre-Industrial –________ n Industrial –___________ n Post-Industrial –___________

5 Differences in Societies (Simple and Complex) n Tonnies- “ideal type _______” –Gemeinschaft –Gesellschaft n Durkheim- “____________” –mechanical solidarity –organic solidarity

6 Interaction within Groups

7 Bureaucracy (Max Weber) n Characteristics –__________ of Labor –Hierarchy of Authority –Formal _____________ –Objective Rules & Regulations –Specific Lines of ___________

8 Bureaucracies n ______________ –Coordinates Large # of people toward Goals, clearly defined jobs, stable organization n _____________ –“Bureaucratic” personality, Red Tape, Oligarchy, Parkinson’s Law, Peter Principle

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