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Turns payment possibility into certainty. Company Background The Credit Protection Association Plc was established in 1914 Helping businesses with their.

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Presentation on theme: "Turns payment possibility into certainty. Company Background The Credit Protection Association Plc was established in 1914 Helping businesses with their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Turns payment possibility into certainty

2 Company Background The Credit Protection Association Plc was established in 1914 Helping businesses with their credit management for many years On average, £250m of overdue accounts are referred to CPA each year and we resolve around 84% in just 18 days! On the back of this success, CPA (PAID) Ltd was launched in 1991, specifically to buy overdue accounts from our members. Since then, PAID has been fine–tuned, went on–line in 2001, and was re- engineered at the end of 2007 to take to the market. Over the years thousands of customers including BP, Shell, Siemens, Carphone Warehouse have benefited from our service. The bedrock of our membership is the SME market. CPA has one of the best credit ratings in business and is good for a credit line of £1.75m

3 Total Credit Management Information Being able to instantly check out potential new, and even existing customers, so that you can trade with confidence Collection Having a robust system for getting paid on time whilst maintaining absolute goodwill Protection Ensuring that those debts that remain unpaid do not turn into Bad Debts Tailor made to suit your business needs

4 Protecting the Sales Ledger 0% X % Company A Turnover - £5m Premium circa £15k First Loss/Threshold - £1,000 The “Sharp End” of the Ledger 100% Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk.....

5 How P.A.I.D. gets you paid Information Collection Protection Company A (PAID member) Turnover - £1.2m Invoices £100k p.m. 30 days month end terms Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 30 Days due 30 days overdue Statement New Account Status Report Bank Ref Existing Accounts – Trading History Phone Call Queries Phone/ Letter “Just in case” Letter 1 Letter 2 Thank You £10,000 60% 15% Letter 3 9% 84% 18 Days £10,000 “Late but Safe” £80,000 Successfully collected in-house £ 8,400 Resolved using CPA £1,600 80% Passes to CPA 90%£ 1,440 £99,840 99.84% Dreaded Liquidator (£3,000) £4,600

6 What happens next Use aged debtor report with the model Determine cost/benefit case Calculate fee based upon: 1.Annual estimated usage of Information systems 2.Annual estimated usage of letter cycle referrals 3.Level of debt protection

7 Any Questions?

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