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Ward Round Note Study/Audit Professor Hill’s Team Grand Rounds Presentation 18.02.2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Ward Round Note Study/Audit Professor Hill’s Team Grand Rounds Presentation 18.02.2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ward Round Note Study/Audit Professor Hill’s Team Grand Rounds Presentation 18.02.2010

2 What’s the problem? Documentation of ward round decisions and clinical decision making is known to be poor in a number of respects There have been a number of legislative changes in Ireland relating to medical note keeping in the recent past

3 What the audit/study aims to examine? What are the current standards and practices relating to basic ward round note writing at Beaumont hospital How do current practices stand up against basic medico-legal and best- practice guidelines

4 WHO Checklist The Second Global Patient Safety Challenge: Safe Surgery Saves Lives addresses the safety of surgical care. The checklist identifies three phases of an operation, each corresponding to a specific period in the normal flow of work: Before the induction of anaesthesia (“sign in”), before the incision of the skin (“time out”) and before the patient leaves the operating room (“sign out”). In each phase, a checklist coordinator must confirm that the surgery team has completed the listed tasks before it proceeds with the operation.

5 Current Practice (insert photo)

6 Adhesive Ward Round Note Insert Photo (blank vs. filled out)

7 The next step Review of ward round notes in charts on AB Cleary Analysis Focus groups on design Possible implementation of adhesive ward round note taking across different teams

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