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Electronic Education Richard Griffiths (soon to be ex Education Chair)

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Education Richard Griffiths (soon to be ex Education Chair)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Education Richard Griffiths (soon to be ex Education Chair)

2 Electronic Education Fast Moving Landscape AAGB&I is a major provider of education to the anaesthesia and wider community There is a need to reach all the membership; Printed Meetings Electronic

3 Electronic Education Educational material; Career gradesrevalidation, personal development Training grades examination preparation

4 Tutorials, to include downloadable PowerPoint presentation offered on a monthly basis to build up a library Top tips videos for the Primary and Final FRCA exams Recorded material relating to Objective Structured Oral Examinations (OSCEs) and Structured Oral Examinations (SOEs). Live webinars on educational topics with opportunity to interact with the presenter by email or telephone Practical procedures series – a comprehensive video library of practical procedures in anaesthesia, intensive care and pain medicine. What is possible? Trainees

5 Dominated by CEPD Matrix Weekly, fortnightly or monthly ‘Matrix Tutorials’ – aimed at a Matrix cell, with a programme structure that will allow completion of the relevant number of cells within each Revalidation cycle Practical procedures series – a comprehensive video library of practical procedures in anaesthesia, intensive care and pain medicine What is possible? Career Grades

6 Live evening webinars covering ‘membership’ topics such as overseas activities, welfare, financial planning, contractual issues and independent practice. These could include: Podcasts of facilitated interviews with experts recorded at events/seminars, or at 21PP Live ‘phone-ins’

7 Improving Access Seminars and meetings are popular What percentage of the membership has been to 21 Portland Place or a congress or WSM?

8 Electronic Education WSM 2011 Sir Brain Jarman (1I05)

9 Electronic Education


11 Difficult Areas Logbooks Portfolios No duplication Easy transfer of credits from AAGB&I to portfolio

12 Smart Phones Events app to launch at WSM 2012

13 New ideas that might be delivered as apps Convert some glossies to app format for easy reference Induction checklist Safety checklists

14 Next steps Trial period for members to view online lectures Small steering group at AAGB&I Possible link up with other organisations The Future Wider audience for material Engagement with trainees Strengthening membership benefits

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