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The Climate Code Foundation Software for Climate Science Nick Barnes talk at Google NYC, 2011-08-29

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1 The Climate Code Foundation Software for Climate Science Nick Barnes talk at Google NYC, 2011-08-29

2 History 2000-2006: increasingly concerned about climate change, but unsure what I could do; 2007: NASA GISTEMP code released, widely criticised; 2008: started open-source Clear Climate Code project, rewriting GISTEMP in Python in our spare time; 2010: founded Climate Code Foundation, a non-profit, to continue this work and broaden it. 2011: increasingly well-known by climate scientists: publications, GSoC projects, invited to speak at workshops and conferences. Nick Barnes talk at Google NYC, 2011-08-29

3 Goals "to promote public understanding of climate science, by increasing the visibility and clarity of the software used in climate science, and by encouraging climate scientists to do the same; by encouraging good software development and management practices among climate scientists; by encouraging the publication of climate science software as open source." Nick Barnes talk at Google NYC, 2011-08-29

4 Clear Climate Code Over-riding goal is clarity: code which interested members of the public can download, run, read and understand. Open-source, of course. First target NASA GISTEMP: 12 KLOC of Fortran (etc) 3678 lines of Python (including 1500 of docstrings) fixed minor bugs. fosters new science: one paper in press, two draft. Nick Barnes talk at Google NYC, 2011-08-29

5 Google Summer of Code 2011 Improvements to ccc-gistemp, for public engagement (Filipe Fernandes, UMass Dartmouth). New homogenization code (Daniel Rothenberg, Princeton). Visualising Holocene climate reconstructions using open data (Hannah Aizenman, CUNY) Nick Barnes talk at Google NYC, 2011-08-29 Three projects, all successful: Scientists have never heard of GSoC, but when they do they think it's awesome. We hope to do more in 2012.

6 Science Code Manifesto Nick Barnes talk at Google NYC, 2011-08-29 Code: All source code written specifically to process data for a published paper must be available to the reviewers and readers of the paper. Copyright: The copyright ownership and license of any released source code must be clearly stated. Citation: Researchers who use or adapt science source code in their research must credit the code's creators in resulting publications. Credit: Software contributions must be included in systems of scientific assessment, credit, and recognition. Curation: Source code must remain available, linked to related materials, for the useful lifetime of the publication.

7 Funding I say "non-profit". In reality, approximately, "Non-revenue". All accounts open. Total revenue to date £5181.26, from contract coding a simple web-scraping academic project. Total costs £1766.56, not counting this NYC trip. Personal lost income to date well over $50,000. Funding model seeking $200K+ annually from corporate or NGO sponsorship (plus some project money from academic collaborations). Working hard on this. Open to suggestions! Nick Barnes talk at Google NYC, 2011-08-29

8 Google wishlist: Code: DOI minting, more reliable SCM servers, some sort of VM-based test framework? Charts: SVG, or some other path to publication-quality figures. Docs: working pagination. Scholar: sort results by date; author pages, institution pages. Do Microsoft Academic Search but better. Summer of Code: More scientific/academic participation. Fixing terrible web interface. Summer comes twice a year. Where is Google Science? Data repo? Data formats? Visualisations? Digitisation? Linking existing resources? Code? Nick Barnes talk at Google NYC, 2011-08-29

9 Thank you: Google, for GSoC, GoogleCode, and much more; Richard Tucker, for hosting me in NYC; Hurricane Irene, for sparing us all; Everyone, for listening. Nick Barnes talk at Google NYC, 2011-08-29 Questions?

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