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Raising Funds for Projects/Chapters Ps. Theodore Jaria Communication Director, Caribbean Union.

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Presentation on theme: "Raising Funds for Projects/Chapters Ps. Theodore Jaria Communication Director, Caribbean Union."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raising Funds for Projects/Chapters Ps. Theodore Jaria Communication Director, Caribbean Union

2 Something to think about n An ASI Chapter not involved in some project is a dying chapter

3 Some Sources of Funding n Membership dues n Church offerings n Grants n Business Persons Like yourself. n Governments n Donor Agencies

4 Resources n Business persons are predisposed to giving. n Business persons obtain income tax waiver for donations. n Giving to charity forms part of some business persons religious belief. n They have specifics for giving to charity. n They like to support a success story.

5 Resources cont’d n They like to support activities that have a strong community outreach. n Some business persons give charity to the community they belong to. n Give charity to specific target groups. n They prefer to give to NGO’s. Business persons like to be informed - reports. n They like to be recognized.

6 Some things to know about your Community n Population (age, sex) n How people earn their income n What skills are available n Functioning NGO’S in the Community. n What problems or concerns exist in the community. n With whom could you network.

7 Some things to do n Take time to know your business community. n Obtain information for what they have to offer. n Develop a clearly defined plan of activities. The questions - what, why, where, when and how, must be answered. n Find ways to begin the implementation of your plan on your own.

8 Some things to do cont’d n Produce evidence of your work. n Select the best persons to approach the business community - persons who understand and can articulate. n Avoid posting letters of request, take the letters personally. n Do not present your group/ organization as struggling or overtly strong. n Demonstrate your ability and capacity to implement your plan.


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